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everything u wanted to know about me...and much more!
Name:: Sidney
Nickname:: King Sid, Sid Kid
Age:: Old Enough to Know Better
Starsign:: Aries
Current location:: Lewes Beach
Eye colour:: Brown
Hair colour:: Black
Height:: 6'3
Righty or lefty:: Right
Shoe size:: 14
Strengths:: Mind and Body
Weakness:: Kind Hearted
Macca's or Hungry jacks:: Pancakes
Fave alcoholic drik:: Vodka and Cran
Fave club:: Liquid in Miami
First thoughts when you wake up:: My daughter Caitlyn
What you can't stop saying:: Oh Snap!
What is the most annoying thing about you:: Perfectionist
What are you shit scared off:: Being a vegetable
if you could turn back time what's one thing you would change:: My major
Pepsi or Coke:: Neither, Water plz
Tea or coffee:: Diet Green Tea
if you were on death row what would you want your last meal to be:: Chicken and Beer
Do you smoke:: I quit, thank god
Do you swear:: Only in the bedroom
Have you ever taken drugs:: smoke sum tree back in the day
Do you sing:: yeah, but not very well
Fave song:: Redemption Song-Bob Marley
Do you want to get married:: For sure
Do you want kids:: 1 kid I love very much
Do you have pets:: nope
Do you have a tattoo:: nope
Ever stolen from a shop:: yeah lots of times back in the day
Ever stolen from your friends:: no way
What country would you like to visit: Africa
Fave clothing style:: Miami Style
Fave thing to do:: Tha Club or Chill
Fave person to be around:: My daughter and family
Least fave person to be around:: Stupid people
Do you think you're attractive:: Yeah
Fave beauty products:: Cocoa Butter
Do you have a mobile phone:: yeah, Nextel hit me up
How many pairs of shoes do you own: OMG, like 50
Have you ever kissed a member of the opposite sex:: of course
When did you lose your virginty:: 17
Relationship status: Riding Solo
Best friend:: Leon'son
Prettiest friend:: Jen
Funniest friend:: I crack myself up
Weirdest friend:: thats not nice
Best guyfriend:: Leon
Best girlfriend:: Jessica.
Have you ever bitched about someone behind their backs:: shamefully, yes
Worst lie you ever told:: I love you too
Have you ever told on anyone to save your own arse: I aint no rat
Have you ever broken any bones:: yeah, my knee if that counts

Fave perfume/cologne:: Pleasures
Fave colour: Black
Fave song:: The Redemption Song

Fave season:: Spring
Football or Baseball: Football, Cowboys Rule:

Kiss or hug:: Kiss
Fave movie:: Natural Born Killers
Last time you cried:: Not long ago, I missed my baby
Is your room messy or clean:: clean
Last book you read:
Last movie you saw: The Departed
Last thing you ate and what was it:: Corn
Last time you got drunk:: Last year on memorial day
Last person you had a fight with: ex-girlfriend
What colour undies/boxers are you wearing:: what boxers
Have you dressed up sexy in the bedroom to impress your other half: nope
Fave flower:: a rose for the lady
How many pillows do you sleep with:: like 7
Do you hog the bed and doona:: nope
Day or night:: night
Shower or baths: Shower
Fave boys name:: Sidney
Fave girls name:: Sydney
Last place you went out partying:: In Dewey
Are you friends with someone who most of your mates don't like:: nope
Fave TV show: RR/RR Inferno Challenge
Do other people's opiniouns matter to you:: If I know you
Best dream:: secret
Scariest dream:: Wizard of Oz witch chasing me in like 50 dreams when I was little
Current mood:: Happy
I can't wait till:: I'm rich
I love it when:: You make me smile
I hate it when:: You annoy me
Things you look for in friends:: honesty
are you a jealous person:: nope
arguementative: nope
are you an "emo": nope
what do you think of the death penalty:: its cool, if their really guilty
What do you think of the war:: Make Love, Not War
Do you judge people before you meet them:: Not often
Have you ever cheated:: yep
Been cheated on:: yep
Ever had a one night stand: yep
Ever purposely ruined something:: yep
Have you ever returned something you have worn back to the store and pretended you had a change of mind:: yep
First kiss: 3 years old in preschool
First crush: I think on my 2nd grade teacher
First best friend:: Scotty Ro, Harris Kiddie College
Are you still best friends with this person?: Na, but were still cool
First love:: Robin
First time you had sex:: Robin
Ever had sex in public: but of course
Do you live wth your parents:: no way
Do you drive:: yep
Have you ever used somone:: nope
Been used:: nope
Lied to someone:: yep
Been lied to:: yep
Are you happy with your life right now?: mmmmm, naaaa I need more money.
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I'd like to meet:

Celebs (Living): Muhammad Ali, Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, Oprah, Nelson Mandela, Carmen Electra, Halle Berry, Al Pacino(Scarface), Bill Cosby, Wayans Bros., Barack Obama, Michael Jackson, Denzel Washington, Sidney Poiter, Will Smith, and Pres. Bush, So I could lay the smack down on his candy ass.Celebs (Passed): Malcolm X, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Jackie Robinson, Harriet Tubman, Fredrick Douglas, Nat Turner, Marcus Garvey, Rosa Parks, Bob Marley


50, Diddy, Em, Fabolous, Mase, Outcast, MJ, MB20, DMB, Laren Hill, Hendrix, Natalie Merchant, Blink182, Smashing Pumkins, The Great Bob Marley


Scarface, Malcolm X, Tommy Boy, North By NorthWest, Johnny Dangerously, Natural Born Killers, White Chicks


MSNBC, UFC, WWE, Wayans Bros., L&O SVU, RR/RR Inferno,


