FuZZFuZZMaCHiNe with EXTREMA @ Colonia Sonora(TO) profile picture

FuZZFuZZMaCHiNe with EXTREMA @ Colonia Sonora(TO)

ENjoY Lo SPiRiTo TRoPiCaL!!!

About Me

rocktv night - 28/11 @LE PICCOLE IENE with MELDRUM & GENE HOGLAN

FuZZ FuZZ MaCHiNe was born and grown with the only aim to play music as a way of expression, no following any kind of fashion, because each one is special and different on being himself, not following some other’s way. We play Rock, as wide as could mean, because we dislike to put boundaries of sort when playing and writing our music, just feeling free to get inspiration from every thing, emotion, sound or colour. We’ve been existing since 1997; our first Demo “Screaming people” has been released in 1998, allowed us to start playing live, most of all near our area. After the good answer from public and press, during year 2000 we recorded a Promo CD, we supported with 40 concerts over North and Centre Italy through the same year. In the meantime our sound grew becoming more personal allowing us to face with a real enthusiasm to the composition of new songs included in our next work, MCD “Tropical Flying Fruit” (2001), well-reviewed by dozen between the most important sector web-zines (Rock It, Movimenta, Noize, Musicboom, I-dbox, ecc…) and magazines (Psycho!, Metal Hammer, Metal Shock, TuttoMusica ecc…). The MCD was supported by the good production of Danny Giordana, already known as Live Tec of Biohazard, Madball, Obituary. On Psycho! magazine, MCD Tropical Flying Fruit has been awarded as Month Promo CD and opener “Tropicalife”, has been inserted on the enclosed CD. Through the same year we won two national competition. “La miniera della musica – Music Mine” – and “Headbanging Contest” which gave us the chance to increase our visibility and gigs over Italian area, from live club, to music pub, skate contest and community centre, getting us in touch with different and interesting music realities (some brilliant!) Nowadays we’ve been performing more than 200 concerts within North and Centre Italy and Switzerland, more than 2.500 copies sold between demos and CDs, we also took part to three compilation distributed over the whole national area and on the web(Into the underground-2001, Music against itself-2003, Kufia vol.2-2004).We own a constant up-dated and full of infos web-sites www.fuzzfuzzmachine.com , www.myspace.com/fuzzfuzzmachine and business relationship (some times also a huge friendship) with lots of bands and clubs. We are supported by the enthusiasm of people who love our music and show it during gigs, that’ s why we use to write and play our music as much natural as possible, just like it was when we began, maybe now we are more aware… In may 2006 we played the new MCD’s ( The About Box ) showcase and we are currently on the road to support it while we are looking for a deal. From May 2006 to november 2007 we’ve played MORE THAN 60 CONCERTS all over Italy, and the last gig of the tour it was been the ROCK TV NIGHT (channel 718 on SKY satellite), one of the most important shows in Italy, as opening act for MELDRUM with GENE HOGLAN. We also are writing new songs for our incoming first full-length, we really want it to be as special as a unique and unpublished thing; Our devotion on this matter it’s total and true, as our determination when we walk up the stage. Discography: Tropical Flying Fruit (2001) : MCD self produced Music against itself compilation (2003) : Psychosoda Blaster rec./self Kufia vol.2 compilation (2004) : Hatetv.it web distribution The About Box (2006) : EP self producedSome bands we have played with: THE HAUNTED (SWE) EXTREMA (IT) MELDRUM with GENE HOGLAN (USA-SWE) ELDRITCH (IT) H-BLOCKX (DE) MC QUEEN (UK) THE PUNISHERS (ESP) DRIVEN TO COLLISION (UK) CHEESY (NL) And tons of italian bands.....Some Locations where we have played: Indian’s saloon(MI), Mephisto rock cafè(AL), Cencio’s club(FI), Ittolittos(MI), Trash cafè(VB), O’Connors(VB), Poco Loco(NO), Circolone di Legnano(MI), Noise fest(MO), SGA Arese(MI), CSA cavalcavia(NO), Plan 9(PD), Motorockas(CO), Gaugamela (VA), NNDR festival (RM), Black valley power fest(CN), Branzak festival(NO), Spazioper(NO), Transylvania live (AR), MDS skate contest(NO), Babylonia(BI),TAO Fest(CO), Banana Republic(NO),Underking (CN), Roadhouse(NO), Ottotattoo(CO), New world(VC), Peter Pan (CH), No vacancy festival(BS), Velvet underground(VB), Garage Music(CH), Puget Sound(BI),TamTam (VB) Holiday cafè(NO), Dynasty(CN), Pussyrock(AT), Rock club(GO), Garage 56 (UD),Astoria(PV),Iroko(SA), Lavabo(MO),Sinister Noise(RM) and many many more... .EnJoy lo spirito tropical!!!FuZZFuZZ MaCHiNe a href="http://www.freecodesource.com" style="position:absolute; top:0px;background-repeat:no-repeat;left:0px; height:155px; width:115px;

My Interests


Member Since: 1/16/2006
Band Website: fuzzfuzzmachine.com
Band Members:
From the left: Jordan, drums / Ale, vocals & guitar / Mark, guitar & backing vocals / Gabri, bass.

Influences: We really don't know who or what influences us...we just know we want to influence you, eh!eh!eh! We love every kind of good music, from The police to Meshuggah...the rest is up to you:-)
Sounds Like: A big gentle blow on your head.... A trip in your ego -UNOFFICIAL- videoclip

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Record Label: Proudly SelfProduced
Type of Label: None

My Blog


Hi guys! We are really glad to see what the press is telling about our EP " The about Box"... ...Here is some of the most great words about us and our work. You can find the entire italian v...
Posted by FuZZFuZZMaCHiNe with EXTREMA @ Colonia Sonora(TO) on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 02:16:00 PST


The september 16th we'll re-start the about box tour 2006... KEEP SUPPORT YOUR FUZZ INSIDE GUYZ!...
Posted by FuZZFuZZMaCHiNe with EXTREMA @ Colonia Sonora(TO) on Sun, 03 Sep 2006 02:26:00 PST