"Dreams of tall buildings fill rooms with lush distant telephone pianos hitting against screams and sub bass frequencies. Typewriters and cine-projectors give out unearthly rhythms instead of drums. Transfixing listeners with Morse code wrestling gongs and water. Here is organised sound for films without any visuals."DoTb’s quest is to distract us from the visual noise in which we are constantly being bombarded, Our ears have became a secondary sense in which we only use in heightened response, our wish is to pop the visual bubble and get the listeners to add their own internal images, to draw deep from their own imaginations."
Dreams of tall buildings formed at the end of 1999, they began recording sound textures from their environments and surroundings, They stress that they are not restricted to the red tape of the conformed and structured norms of being an x piece. Instead they state that by the end of the next year there could be 1000 people in DOTB or none. They have visions of collaborating with people in Spain and Australia simultaneously, unaware of each others existence.
Initial explorations led to the release of a series of limited tapes and CD-Rs in hand made packaging involving branded wooden sleeves and hospital specimen bags. They avoid becoming slaves to genre by having a doctrine as evolving as their sound constructions themselves. Their sound ranges from minimal microwaves, breathing and non - notes ("A Red Carpet For Autumn") to hideously distorted trumpets and string loops sounding like Miles Davis stabbing Stan Getz in a floatation tank ("14 Months"). Other tracks are created using one source ("Remember The Words") is compiled from video samples and surface noise with a Chinese text and children singing in the chorus, and in ("Museum") samples from room ambience and art works from the Birmingham Museum are looped with grating metal violins to create a twisted clock work piece in a classic pop arrangement, which closes on its self as soon as it opens.
D0tb have also worked with film makers Mike Stubbs on cultural quarter shown at Baltic Gallery.UK, with PirateHairWaves on"THENDS" an audio visual installation/ performance, this piece is made up of the End credits from movies as a visual backdrop to a d0tb,s performed score.(shown at The Mead Gallery, Warwick),
doTb recently have had an Installation running at the New Art Gallery Walsall called "(Proceed to)Terminal point", the artists have placed musical staves across the gallery’s 4th floor panoramic windows, they have then plotted and mapped out the new and old architecture of the cities changing skyline, this score was then responded to by the artists as a live sound performance, in which the movement across the shadowed and reflected score is interrupted by the transitory public,Both Artists and public combined will compose the score to the cities skyline, as they interact, respond and move through the gallery space, never to repeat it’s self the piece will be different every time it is performed, evolving and changing like the city skyline.Collaborations with Kaffe Matthews,e,Maja Ratkje are in being investgated and they’ve just finished a collaberation with "Arve henriksen" from “supersilent†on a 15min piece called "Rope Prts I,II & III.
"Lorenzos Warm" - limited to 10-blackboard c.d., 7tracks, May 2000.
"I am sensitive to objects" - limited to 15, creditcard c.d. single packaged in hospital sample bags, 1 track, August2000.
"Read Carefully" - limited to 20, tape with typingsound of the sentence on the card also included housed in doTb liquorstore bag, Jan 2001.
"doTb" - limited to 500, 5 track debut releasedouble 7 inch with individual hand stamped post cards, Bearos021,"Bearos Records", July 2001.
"Stephanie" - Roomful Of Tuneful, "Melodic Records"compilation, Apr 2002.
"Line 26, page?" - ’Journeys Without Maps’,"Bearos Records" Compilation. Mar 2002.
"Artificial Memory and 14 months" - video/soundcollaboration with "PirateHairWaves", first 50 videos comepackaged in handmade material bags with document envelopecontaining maps and story, VAN44 "Static Caravan Records",oct.2002.
"X Ray Landscape" Ltd edition 10 track release on7" vinyl, hand cut by Geraldine lathe in New Zealand, with 2 differentcovers...an x-ray or a map both contain individual riddles...each oneunique! VAN 49 "Static Caravan Recordings". Nov.2002.
"A dry mouth" track on "Is This Music"?Compilation Jan 2003.
"Concrete steps" - a 3-way collaboration with"Wotjk3k" from Poland and "Digital Etah" from Cardiffbased on a distressed vinyl workshop for pupils at Swanshurst girlsschool u.k via "School of Tall buildings" . MIK records Feb 2003.
"Threehunderedandthirythree E.P" - Ltd editionwhite vinyl 10 with individual Polaroid of track listing in printed bag."Experimentalseafood records". March 2003.
"Truth = Beauty" A cassette compilation of livepieces vacuum sealed then mummified in wax, "victory Garden Records"2003.
"Blackboard" 4 track E.P housed in a blackboradsleeve with unique art work held together by a bolt, limited to 111copies on "The Great Pop Experiment" records 2004.
"doTb live @ Supersonic 04" live MP3 released on Creditcard CD housed in ID tags, "Breaos" records Feb 2005.
"Nothing Hurt and Everything was Beautiful" 11 track CD Album on "Pseudoarcana" records 2005.
"Harbour’d in the Sleep West" Live CD album recorded at the Custard Gallery B’Ham, released on "Unlabel Feb 2006.
"d0tb & Scott Smallwood" "Songs of Opposites" ltd CD album incased inside an old 5" floppydisk on vinyl looking CD on "Static Caravan"April 2006.
"Fresh Widow" Track on "Sixty minutes" compilation on WIAIWYA label. wiaCD 009 may 2007.
"Spilt Caucasian" Track on Dream frequencies volume 1, compilation on Antenna records 005CD, Oct 2007
"The Shortest Day" Track on Binary Oppositions, a Gallery edition limited to 500 copies, Static Caravan" van 147, Nov 2007
"[Proceed to] Terminal point" Credit card CD limited to 50, packaged in personal belongings envelope, taken from a commissioned live sound and installation for the New Art Gallery Walsall, UK, released on "Static Caravan" van 159, Nov 2007.
"Tonights Turns" doTb & PHW