I have 6 years of experience in the photography industry, doing everything from commercial photos to high fashion shoots. My style comes from an artistic point of view, incorporating a strong focus on light and photo styling. I believe in creating environments that allow my clients to be captured at their natural best. “To be transparent in the process allows me to show the true beauty which lies with in each of my clientsâ€. I have access to a number of resources such as, graphic designers, marketing/promotions firm, & a highly recommended team of professional make up artist/hair stylist/& fashion stylist. Feel free to contact me at
[email protected] for more information.P.S.-I have a number of Creative Projects lined up for this year so please check back for open slots for models or otherwise just to take a look at what's new in my world!!..."My Goal is to show the World things that haven't been seen before--- The World through My Eyes!!God BlessJAS PhotoThanks for Stopping by JAS PhotoLOVEMYFLASH CODE /LOVEMYFLASH CODE