..."Maintaining the integrity of the sound. Emphasizing live instrumentation. Real drum, real bass and real melodies"...
Elijah Emanuel has evolved through several incarnations of The Revelations since 1998. The present line-up of musicians lives in San Diego, California. This first-hand view of the struggle of the local immigrants against the U.S. government fueled Elijah Emanuel's imagination for addressing Roots Reggae music to concrete issues. Bilingual in Spanish and English, he has been an activist for hispanic, indigenous and African cultural integrity. Elijah has been searching for the essence of reggae; what makes it timeless and universal---and attempting to make that the core of his songs."Where I want to take it[reggae]? Where it's not localized to one geography and not limited to one culture. The music is universal. When I compose songs my intentions are to speak to and inspire people from every country in the world and this because the nature of this music directly connects to the consciousness of all people".
Elijah Emanuel, tambien conocido como Elias Emanuel, ha evolucionado a traves de varios encarnaciones de The Revelations (Los Revelaciones) desde 1998. Los que actualmente forman el grupo viven en San Diego, California. La lucha de los imigrantes en contra del gobierno Estado Unidense inspiro a Elijah Emanuel a escribir musica reggae de la raiz exponiendo situaciones concretas. Siendo bilingue en espanol e ingles, ha sido un activista para la cultura hispana y Africana. Elijah ha estado buscando la esencia del reggae; que lo hace eterno y universal--y eso es la esencia de sus canciones. "Donde quiero llevarlo (reggae)? Donde no esta centrado a una geografia ni limitado a una cultura. La musica es universal. Cuando arreglo mis canciones, mi intencion es de hablar he inspirar a gente de todas las naciones en el mundo, porque la naturaleza de esta musica conecta directamente a la conciencia de todas las gentes".
"For long is the road and years have I spent alone, in lowly places with no map to lead me home. Holy Father forsake me not, the road ahead is full of rocks. Give I the patience and wisdom to know, how to manuever this rocky road. The road to Zion is narrow and steep, many shall be called but few shall trod its peaks. For long is the road and years will you spend in search, for the highest truth you cannot find in the church. The road to babylon is traveled by many, the predictable life where money breeds complacency. For long is the road and years will you spend getting by, paycheck to paycheck, lie after lie. Two roads that I can take, one leads to babylon the other to Zion gates. I choose to trod Mount Zion, even though the road is rocky, rocky, rocky! I choose to trod Mount Zion".DOWNLOADS
La Lucha Continua
(The Struggle Continues)
Download full album here .
Persistence of Vision
Download full album here
Elijah Emanuel Albums are Available Online @: