My work, Helping people, especially helping people to get ahead in life with my business, Meeting new and down to Earth people, As you can see from the picture, Weapons, Going out when we can get away, Funny movies, Funny people. OK! Funny Stuff!!********
EVERYONE!! I love everybody. I guess I should've grown up in the '60's.Like my headline says, Take a shot, Who knows?YEAH!! Baby!
I like it all as long as it's good, Especially good "rythm" music (Tosca, Benni Benassi,Gorillaz,etc.) if you know what I mean, Techo, Dance, Rock, Old stuff, New stuff, whateva..
All Time Best.Godfather I & II. The third was a sham. Goodfellas, Casino, Something about Mary, Liar Liar, Stuck on You. And of Course, we can't forget "Knock Knock".
If I ever make one of the auditions work, HBO's Sopranos,
Books? Who said Books? Did you say Books? Nobody said Books. I definetely didn't say Books. How about Maxim Magazine.
My Parents.