acting, activism, alternative, ancients, artist, ballroom dancing, bdsm, bondage, caning, canoeing, chains, chocolate, consensual slavery, cupping, cuttings, designer, dominance, dominant, druid, everquest, fantasy, felines, fetish, flogging, free diving, gays, germany, goth, gothica, gourmet food, kink, leather, leathers, leatherwomen, lesbian, lesbians, lithophile, master, modeling, ncsf, personal finance, piercing, pony girl, pony training, restraints, s/m, science fiction, sexuality, shaman, slave, slave space, sm activism, snorkeling, social justice, social psychology, spanking, spirituality, steel, submission, submissive, subspace, travel, wealth, wicca, writing
We are all beautiful but how and why?
Spirit Beauty
Your spirit is absolutely beautiful; you're very honest and pure. You are grateful for all you have and don't approve of things that destroy and how people throw away things as if it's nothing. You are confident and have spirit and guts to do anything that you want. You're pretty much calm most of the time and dont get angry easily but when you do it would be for a good reason.
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Argh, I've become addicted to "Lost"
The Dean & DeLuca Cookbook, All of Terry Goodkind, most of Terry Pratchett, Timothy Zahn's Star Wars novels, Anne McCaffrey's Pern stories, Teen Witch, Tamora Pierce, The Riverside Shakespeare, Acting Shakespeare, InStyle's Secrets of Style, Making Faces, Psychic Living, The Stand, Oscar Wilde, Dorothy Parker, Dean Koontz, E.A. Poe, A.A. Milne
My Dad and Lady Cherly