List of Your Favorites and Interests Survey
My favorite...
...color is pink
...animals is rabbit is tennis
...season is summer
...TV show are One Tree Hill & Grey..'s Anatomy
...drink is ice tea is .."Dear John.." by Nicholas Sparks is verba is my birthday is
Three Things
Three things that scare me:
1: My sister's hysterical laughter
2: Elder drivers
3: That first moment when the airplane takes off.
Three people who make me laugh:
1: Marci
2: Bryan
3: Luke
Three Things I love:
1: My family
2: music
3: Me
Three Things I hate:
1: mornings
2: clowns
3: violence
Three things I don't understand:
1: People
2: Love
3: Life
Three things on my desk:
1: magazine
2: nail polish
3: monitor
Three things I'm doing right now:
1: listening to music
2: filling out this survey
3: drinking dr pepper
Three things I want to do before I die:
1: Fall deeply in love -- helplessly and unconditionally
2: Spend New Year's in an exotic location
3: Shower in a waterfall
Three things I can do:
1: Play tennis
2: Laugh for no reason
3: Pretend I can sing
Three ways to describe my personality:
1: talkative
2: sarcastic
3: dependable
Three things I can't do:
1: Whistle
2: Stop eating sweets
3: Focus
Measure Your Fears - Would You, Wouldn't You, You Did
Pet a snake: Never
Spend a week in an empty room: Hell no i would go crazy
Ride in a hot-air balloon: I did
Sky dive: I did
Sing in front of a huge audience: It would sound terrible ... but I would
scuba dive: I Would
Sit in the front seat of a roller coaster: yeah done that
Deliver a baby: I Would
Swim across the Amazon River: I don't think so
Change careers: Maybe
Disappear for a long period of time: I Wouldn't
Walk through the forest alone at night: Helll NO!
Join a space mission: I Wouldn't
Tell everyone what you honestly think of them: Yeah
Call off your wedding: Yeah I would
Walk naked through New York City for 10 minutes during rush hour: If someone would pay me I would
Walk up to Mike Tyson and call him a girl: haha
Disarm a bomb: I Would ............ NOT
CLean the outside windows of a skyscraper: Sure
Draw a mustache on the Mona Lisa with a permanent marker: LOL i don't think so
Go on tour with Elvis: whattt no
Go swimming during a thunder storm: Wouldn't
Preform surgury on your best friend: HAHA yeah if i was a surgeon
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