♥ g ♥ profile picture

♥ g ♥


About Me

I ♥ hanging out with mates, going to the beach, watching cartoons, listening to music, painting, taking photos, laughing till it hurts, sleeping in, fresh linen, my hooded dressing gown, my family, jess coz she means the world to me and we've been mates since we were 6 =), songs that make me dance no matter what haha, not being able to hold back a smile, feeling amazing after exercise, having spa's, rollercoaster feeling in ur belly, chocolate, gloria jeans-double shot latte's, fresh strawberries, sunshine, ocean water, endless memories, water, juice, the smell of cucumber, my favourite smell in the world-Givenchy Hot Coutoure, black clothes, fafi, tattoes, diamonds, love, friendship, movies, food, shopping, Julz ♥

My Interests

Music, Art, Movies, Cartoons, Beach, Photography.......

I'd like to meet:

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ComeBackKid, BleedingThrough, BuryYourDead, EvergreenTerrace, Throwdown, Anberlin, JimmyEatWorld, BrandNew, SavesTheDay, AFI, LittleBirdie, Carpathian, Terror, Rufio, NFG, TheVeronicas, Eskimo Joe, HilltopHoods, AvrilLavigne, Silverstein, TheGetawayPlan, IKTPQ, Coheed&Cambria, Thrice, KissChasey, Cartel, Run Kid Run, Fallout Boy, +44, Antagonist, Billy Talent........


Me,Myself&Irene, LittleMermaid, FamilyGuyMovie, Corpse Bride, Sin City, Texas Chainsaw, Saw 1 & 2, Detroit Rock City, Now & Then, NightmareBeforeChristmas, Tenacious D & the Pick of Destiny ......


FamilyGuy, Will&Grace, Simpsons, DesperateHousewives, Neighbours, Prison Break, Orson & Olivier......


The Pact,