neurotic. very. but easy going. you have to take it as it comes and chalk it up to experience or something. i am easily amused and am probably the most un-smooth person you'll ever meet.
neurotic. very. but easy going. you have to take it as it comes and chalk it up to experience or something. i am easily amused and am probably the most un-smooth person you'll ever meet.
horticulture and agriculture (im gonna be the best motherfucking farmer in the world. period. chickens, pigs, cows, u name it and ill kill it for you). de and re (toxification), making lists, travel adventure n exploration, pranks, computers, photography, swimming, diving, windsurfing, beaches, art, boats, books, being outside.
i don't really care. if you're cool i'm sure we'll hit it off.
my roots are punk but i like everything now. lots of post punk indie electroclash-ey stuff lately like the unicorns and the pixies and arcade fire um rapture and capitol k. but then sometimes i'm the mood for hiphop, both old and new stuff. trible called quest and blackalicious are my faves. and def jux and deltron3030. and daaanga doom. trip hops the shit when it wants to be, especially tricky and moloko and handsome boy modeling school. and when you're out partying house or some good electronica is always fun. oldies are good too, smokey robs and al greene and elton john. zappa too! pink floyd, acdc hmm radiohead weezer gorillaz nofx opiv bouncing souls bad relige descendents misfits yeah so what i like depends on my mood.
kubrick is the shit. i like all kinds of movies. not a lot of the newer ones though. most good movies and music were made in the 20th century but sometimes you get badass foreign films and documentaries that change yo life.
adult swim and a few other things. discovery and nat geo channel. don't watch much.
some fucker fucked with my book section and i'm not about to fuck with it again.
salvador dali