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J Swille

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Well...there's alot more to me than a full description fitting in this box, but I'll take a whack at it. I'm a drama-free individual who has learned almost every one of lifes lessons the hard way, but hey...they say bought sense is the best kind. I've had my share of trials and tribulations that has shaped the characther and personality that I possess and wouldn't have it any different. I'm probably considered high-maintenance as a african-american male in that I'm not as slouched with the long skirt looking T-shirts, and slouchy jeans. Don't own Air Forces or Timbs. Pretty much a button-up and slacks guy on the regular, but I do have my athletic days. I have my bachelor of arts in Accounting from Morehouse and am pursuing the whole career thing at this moment while starting as a tax pro at H&R Block.Networking is high on my priority and values list because I enjoy interacting with people. I feel as though character and personality is something I build on on a daily basis and is a job that will never be completed, yet has limitless advantages the more you build on them. I don't need to go through the typical I'm drama-free, and so on....as I would expect that we all try and achieve drama-free lives. If you're trying to market an album, record label, XXX website or anything of that nature....please spare me the annoyance, otherwise is you're a sincere individual feel more than welcome to reach out to me. I've typed enough for now, so get at me.
what do you look like? In my opinion a handsome clean-cut individual
hair color? I dunno, dark
eye color? brownish I guess
race? African-American/Black whatever floats your boat
do you wear makeup? Heck No!!
what does your hair look like? Short low-cut
lips big/small? medium
((lets be real)) /guys.. what inch are you?/girls.. what size are them tites? definitely pleasurable
pick one
pink or blue? blue
phone or aim? aim people tend to be alot more open when they can hide behind their computer screen and conversations reach waay more topics. Isn't that something though?
GUNIT or Murder INC.? Neither
mall or movies? Movies at home on my big screen
chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla
abercrombie&fitch or rocawear? abercrombie
clothes or shoes clothes
follower or leader? leader
rap or rock? both
50 cent or like...everyone else? like....everyone else, but 50's cool
heels or flats? I wouldn't be caught in heels now would I?
jordans or GUNIT? Jordans
method man or redman? What is this an east coast survey?
color? Dark Blue
movie? Boiler Room
song? Summer Rain- Carl Thomas
hobbie? Golf
music video? Don't watch 'em
singer/rapper? P.Diddy for his businessman approach
part of the opposite gender's body? brain, can't deal with airheads man.
magazine or book? The other 90%
About you
full name Johnny Swilley
birthday June 8, 1981
height don't know 5'11 or something
weight 180
label..prep, jock, geek, thug, hoe, troublemaker, diva, bitch, ect. prep, troublemaker, with a youthful thuggish mentality that I've grown from
what are you wearing right now? pajamas
descibe your room comfortable for a bachelor like myself with the flat screen on the wall to relax
favorite show House & Grey's Anatomy
what color are your toenails/finger nails clear coated and yes I get them m'fuckas done!!
what is on your backround? backround what's that
do you like someone? kinda, but they'll never hear about it.
if yes who? ......
have you done the nasty? Of course
have you shot a gun? yep, even shot myself before with a 25 cal.
have you killed someone? nope not that I know of.
have you gone to jail? yes
have you gotten arrested? yep
have you kissed the same gender as yours? nope
do you agree wit sex before marriage? yea, unfortunately I do
what is in your cd player right now? an mp3 cd with about 200 different songs from all genres
what time do you wake up for school in the morning? Graduated school buddy
are you racist? Not by far
are you athiest? Hell No!!
when your in the bath what do you do to pass the time? Relax and think untilt he water gets cold on my ass
what do you sleep in? nothing
how long does it take you to get ready in the morning? couple of hours I assume
what color is your bed spread? Blue and Green
how many pilliows do you have 5
did you ever have a blankie or a stuff animal? Hell yea when I was younger, who didn't
if yes, did it have a name? what was it? I can't recall if it had a name
what do you WANT pierced? nothing, already have my ears pierced but no longer own a single pair of rings
what kind of tatoo do you want if you want on? and where do you want it? not into tatoos, I love smooth skin
what posters are on your walls? none
how many times a week do you take a shower? probably 13
gay marriage yes or no? Nope
what word do you used the most? Umm Hmm
are you a fast typer? yep
do you have a kid? nope
if yes, how many and what are their names?
if no, how many do you want and and what do you want their names to be? depends on my mate when we plan out our lives. I'm waiting on whomever she may be to help decide on questions of that sort.
do you even want kids??? Yea, it can't stop here with me man. It must continue
are you gay/lez? nope
do you have zits on your face? none
are you a hairy person? nope
what do you put on your food the most (sauce) Ranch dressing man(Hidden Valley)
are you flexible yep
what would you call your skin conplexion? light
how many pairs of clothes do you have in your closet? too many. Giving some to charity for the holidays though
how many pairs of shoes do you have in your closet? probably 35-40
how many hats do you have in your closet? none, maybe one Tiger Woods and an East Lake Golf course cap in the car
was this quiz fun? nah, I may not leave it posted, people just been complaining that my profile tells them nothing
are you glad your done wit it? neither here nor there
whats one thing you would change about yourself? The company I keep and I have been gradually ridding myself of these pseudo-go-getters.
whats one thing guys/girls seem most attracted to you? My leven of calmness and how laid-back I am.
do you like hot chocolate? yep, espcially with a lil Kaluha

My Interests

Golf. I love golf. I'm willing to challenge anyone who reads this in Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2006 on PS2 also. Otherwise I've expressed most of my other interests above. And again WOMEN!!!! I've also taken an extreme interest in my nephew (5) and my niece (1)...they are the center of my attention when it comes to thinking of the future and decision-making on my behalf.

I'd like to meet:

Everybody of significance and if you aren't of significance....make yourself. The only people to get who and what they want in life are the ones who show up to receive it...


I am a true music lover. I listen to every type of music there is...depending on how I'm feeling or what I'm doing. I mostly read to soft music by musicians such as Yanni, Django Reinhardt, Stephane Grapelli (violin and string instruments are my favorite). When I'm kickin it I'm more than likely on that Lil Wayne. I have over 80GB of music so, I couldn't begin to talk of what all I listen to from hiphop to gospel to country to EVERYTHING.


I've probably viewed any movie you can name, and I've watched the entire Blockbuster besides Constant Gardener and Jarhead.


I'm not a big television fan, but recently I've found myself glued to 24 and Grey's Anatomy. Otherwise i'm probably watching CNN or something informative. I'm not a supporter of BET at ALL!! Get a life and quit watchin the same videos over and over. I'm am also not your typical guy who will sit in from of ESPN for hours watching the same highlights over and over...one time is enough...i got things to do playa. Nothing beats CNN though.


My library at home is pretty extensive, but mostly full of self-help, personal finance, real estate, spiritual and photographic topics.

