Idoru profile picture


Module 2

About Me

Four old friends from Stockholm who one day missed playing music too much. One Computer system developer and three students of Medicine, Industrial design and English literature, tired of working and studying. After many years of silence we simply decided to start playing. All of us had earlier played in a variety of bands ranging from death metal to electronica and all loaded with a different, wide and deep interest in music.
We had no plan at first, no direction or genre, we just started to write songs. We are all equally involved in the process of writing, a time consuming and sometimes disagreeing kind of strategy. Although, it soon made us figure out our direction, not so much a genre but more of a feeling. We all had in common that whatever music you listen to, you like that certain feeling. The feeling of yearning and longing that really takes you away. We try to capture that feeling.
If we don't feel it, we don't play it.
At the moment, we are in talks with a few labels in the UK, US and Sweden, nothing signed yet but look out for coming releases in 2007. There will definitely be something. Enjoy
Read about idoru here: ml

My Interests


Member Since: 1/15/2006
Band Website: Contact:
Band Members: Anton Deak - Bass /
Kicki Halmos - Vocals, Alesis Micron, Bit-99 /
Lars Gustafsson - Drums /
Pelle Lundqvist - Guitar /
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Qlub Rosa Drömmar

På lördag spelar vi på Qlub Rosa Drömmar tillsammans med sommarpopbandet Lacrosse. Klubben huserar på Teater Scenario och öppnar kl 18 med olika aktiviteter såsom melodikryss och dylikt. Vi går på som...
Posted by Idoru on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 12:48:00 PST

Dots Became Lines

We recently finsihed the recordings of our EP "Dots Became Lines"!Wanna buy it? Send us an email to
Posted by Idoru on Thu, 21 Aug 2008 08:14:00 PST

P3 Lab

hallå!på torsdag 14/8 kommer låten Parallel från vår nyinspelade EP att spelas på P3 Lab. programmet börjar strax efter 22. missa inte!idoru
Posted by Idoru on Tue, 12 Aug 2008 09:41:00 PST

Emmaboda och skivor

tack alla ni som trotsade regn och sovmorgon och tog er upp för att titta på frukostpopens lördagsband! vi har upptäckt att vissa av de skivor som såldes blivit felbrända och går därför inte att spela...
Posted by Idoru on Mon, 04 Aug 2008 06:40:00 PST

Absolute Noise and Emmaboda

Aymeric has once again mentioned us in his fabulous blog Absolute Noise! You can read the post here. More good news...we are playing at Emmaboda frukostpopscen hosted by klubb Ettnollet on Aug 2...
Posted by Idoru on Wed, 30 Jul 2008 06:44:00 PST