Play Bowl,Watch movie,gaming, X-game, and crazy stuff...
Emm...who ha...hmm i wonder..? maybe a cute, sexy..nutty..whate else...oh yea..she can accept the way i know whate i mean....but the most important is that she is a nice lady/girl...hey..seriously, you doesn't matter if she is not beautiful nor sexy or what long she have a good heart..though...hope i found my dream girl.................
Blues, country,R&B,Rock,Punk, Hip-pop
All kinds of movie's...the nice's thing and the nutyy' ha..ha..ha..but nudty
American Idol,Mutant X,Two Guys and a Girl, and so on .. LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2" .. -- --////Circling text trail- Tim Tilton //Website: //Visit for this script and more// your message here var msg='nissuh myspace!';var font='Verdana,Arial'; var size=2; // up to seven var color='000000';// This is not the rotation speed, its the reaction speed, keep low! // Set this to 1 for just plain rotation w/out drag var speed=.3;// This is the rotation speed, set it negative if you want // it to spin clockwise var rotation=.2;// Alter no variables past here!, unless you are good //---------------------------------------------------var ns=(document.layers); var ie=(document.all); var msg=msg.split(''); var n=msg.length; var a=size*15; var currStep=0; var ymouse=0; var xmouse=0; var scrll=0; var props=" ";if (ie) window.pageYOffset=0// writes the message if (ns){ for (i=0; i ..
All the horor...fantasy..romance..comedy..and nutty hahah