Boston College profile picture

Boston College


About Me

For Boston, for Boston,We sing our proud refrain!For Boston, for Boston,'Tis Wisdom's earthly fane. For here all are one And their hearts are true, And the towers on the Heights Reach to Heav'ns own blue.For Boston, for Boston,Till the echoes ring again!For Boston, for Boston,Thy glory is our own!For Boston, for Boston,'Tis here that Truth is known.And ever with the Right Shall thy heirs be found, Till time shall be no more And thy work is crown'd.For Boston, for Boston, For Thee and Thine alone.

My Interests

Boston College

I'd like to meet:

Boston College Students



Beating Notre Dame in Football, Beating Boston University in Hockey, Claiming our Beantown Cup, Owning the Commonwealth Classic, Taking it to the Heights, Bar Hoppin at Cleveland Circle, Riding the Entire Green Line, Waiting for the Boston College Shuttle Buses


The BC


Appalachia Trip, Jenks, Service Trip, PULSE, 4 Boston


Doug Flutie