Hey what's up guys and gals..well to start with I am in the National Guard of the great state of Tennessee - yeehaw. I am a combat engineer (21 Bravo) serving with the 230th Engineering Battalion out of Trenton, TN. I will have to say it's a pretty fun job in the Army. So...and i get this question alot, what made you join? Well, I want to give back some of the freedom that I owe to this nation because of the freedom that has been given to me and to you -- and also to defend what I have come to love. Let's see...I was a corrections officer at the Sumner County Sherrifs Department about a year or two ago, that was pretty cool and i enjoyed doing stuff like that..im the risky type of guy I guess. I am currently attending MTSU (Middle Tennnessee State University) with a major in Criminal Justice Administration - and I am a cadet with the Army ROTC department. I love hangin' out with my friends and doing stupid stuff like we alwayz do, but hey how are you gonna make memories doing safe stuff.........exactly. Without being conceded, i would consider myself not a gangsta', not a playa', not a pimp, .........but a classy individual. I try to respect any point of view that you can throw at me. I am a Freemason with Trammel Lodge #436 of Westmoreland, TN. I love playing sports (especially b-ball), and I like taking risks alot, because I like my chances. Mix all this stuff together and it looks like ya got yourself a Jake!
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