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Which Goonie r u?
You poor creature, you have been locked in a dungeon for your whole life, you come from a family who treats you like a prisoner, and you are very ugly. But even so you still are like a loveable teddy bear with a very sweet soul
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Your Monster Profile
Brutal Gargoyle
You Feast On: Hot Dogs
You Lurk Around In: Flocks of Freshmen
You Especially Like to Torment: Blondes
What's Your Monster Name?
Boy Sets Fire, Poison theWell (old stuff), Horse the Band, Portishead, Rocking Horse Winter, Idle Hands, Norma Jean, Atrueyu, Yeah yeah yeahs, letters to cleo, PJ Harvey, Mazzy Star,
A few favorites are napoleon, donnie darko, labrynith, night of the living dead, well that names some.
Six Feet Under, Nip/tuck, Family Guy, Sopranos, Dead Like Me, Carnivale, and Ghost Hunters
The best damn foreign commercial ever!!!!!!!!
You are... Jack Skellington! You're quirky, yet
dignified, with an insatiable craving for new
things. Everyone's attracted to your magnetic
personality, but at times the attention makes
you feel stifled. Despite the respect you
get, you never feel that anyone really
understands you. Don't let it get to you -
your kindred spirit may be right under your
Which Nightmare Before Christmas character are you?
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