Pomegranates profile picture



About Me

Pomegranates began in the young minds of Jacob Merritt and Isaac Karns. With a mutual desire to make music, the two began penning songs. Immediately they felt this new project was heading places, so they solicited the help of Joey Cook, and the three got down to business. Their initial practice session gave shape to what would later become their first song, "Nursery Magic". Poms were official. June of 2007 saw the release of their well received debut EP 'Two Eyes'. Their full length, 'Everything is Alive', was released in May of 2008. Pomegranates continues to write music and share it with whoever lends an ear.

The comparisons to early Modest Mouse are pretty spot-on so long as that’s not the last word. Pomegranates’ sonic template is much wider, their pop, poppier.
KEXP Blog , January 22, 2007 Song of The Day

This Ohio-based four-piece brings to mind visions of Transatlanticism-era Death Cab For Cutie and ‘90s Britpop with their big, bright sound. The lyrics themselves are intelligent without being pompous or overbearing, drawing from literary sources that are mythological and biblical in nature.
Amplifier Magazine.com

Infectious indie pop…. I couldn't ask for better executed music…”
Analog Scene.com October 22, 2007

With all the softly swooping melodies the blog-and-tunnel indie fashion victims love without any of that lingering aftertaste of melodrama. It's almost as if indie kids learned to have fun again.

“Pomegranates showcase transitions and dynamic prowess [through use of] melodic guitar lines, gusto vocals, and unorthodox song structures.”
Cedars Newspaper

…a rather delectable little piece of music.
Dryvetyme Online.com

The four piece has a great indie rock/ pop vibe going on that some have compared to early Modest Mouse.
Each Note Secure.com

…wide range of instruments, claps and sing-alongs, with a knack for melody.

…mixing swirling guitars, fast beats, soft-spoken vocals, and handclaps all together without even thinking twice…somehow Pomegranates are charming enough to pull all of that off without resulting in a sugar coma for the listener.
For The Sound.com

…something about this band just sounds wonderfully familiar.

The songs are poppy and excited, but they also dip into these hushed moments of melodic precision. I’m sort of getting that whole Wolf Parade/Clap Your Hands Say Yeah! thing here, only Pomegranates seem to lean more towards the pop and less towards the experimental. There are dance beats, keyboard lines, handclaps, and the sort of across the room backing shouts you’d find on an Arcade Fire album. Good stuff, immediate, but tasteful.

“Fantastic indie newcomers…Think a less spastic, but no less dynamic Modest Mouse.”
Ohio City Beat

…simple yet eclectic.
Pomegranates use just enough varied instrumentation to their advantage, with samples, keys and acoustic guitars creating enough different sounds to prevent monotony. Reference points seem hard to come by here, but perhaps picture a more stripped down Anathallo, as the two seem to share a lot of musical and aesthetic traits (however, no horns here).

There are more layers than it's worth counting…Just when the sweet melodies lull the album into complacency, ringing guitars and quirky rhythms keep everything from falling into that misplaced comfort. As it meanders from happy to dark, from melodic to noisy, it avoids typical pop conventions to invent its own direction. Such endeavors often spell disaster, but not here.
Rock And Roll and Meandering Nonsense.com

Expect great things. From the get-go, your ears perk up to the vibrating notes of a keyboard, then the clap-along strumming of multiple guitars. And clap you will… sparse, imaginative lyrics mixed with instrumental rock movements similar to early Modest Mouse or more dancey bits like Pulp.
Slug Mag

The band has a reckless and infectious abandon with their songwriting. Yet, all seems perfectly in place. The melodies simply ooze out from these dynamic bursts of indie pop.
Sounds As Language.com Band of The Day

…the band makes catchy songs and there is nothing at all wrong with that.
Stereo Subversion.com

“It's really refreshing to hear music here in town that doesn't sound like it's from Cincinnati.. sounds like some good indie pop on the east coast."
Matt Shiverdecker, WOXY

My Interests


Member Since: 11/13/2006
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My Blog


Hello friends. We recently took the plunge and purchased a nice vehicle to travel the country in.That said, we need to sell our old van. Here are some details:1995 GMC Vandura Conversion4 Captains Cha...
Posted by Pomegranates on Sun, 06 Jul 2008 03:49:00 PST

The re-cahd

A few people seem to be purchasing our new album. Have you? Where?
Posted by Pomegranates on Fri, 30 May 2008 01:32:00 PST

Preorder ’Everything is Alive’

Hello friends! If you would like, you can preorder our debut Full-length at: lujorecords.comI think they will ship in late February.If you don't preorder, it won't be until April or so.Talk to you la...
Posted by Pomegranates on Sat, 02 Feb 2008 10:25:00 PST

File sharing

Hello friends! We were just curious how many of you have discovered us as a result of a file sharing service such as Oink, Rapid Share, Kazaa, etc. Adios!
Posted by Pomegranates on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 01:18:00 PST

Also, also, cool things...

Several things.Firstly, two really incredible internet radio stations have been playing our songs. woxy.com and kexp.org. We feel very blessed, bewildered and amazed all at once and are thankful for a...
Posted by Pomegranates on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 10:35:00 PST


Big news! We were nominated for 2 Cincinnati Entertainment Awards! They are:Best Alternative/Indie BandNew Artist of the YearYou can help us win Best Alt/Indie band by voting on the CEA page!Best New ...
Posted by Pomegranates on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 09:03:00 PST

The Host.

You guys should listen to The Host. Dang. They are really impressive to me. Definitely more brooding than we are, but man... There is something really cool about their songs that alot of bands in that...
Posted by Pomegranates on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 10:18:00 PST

5th Member

We are considering adding a 5th member.Some one who plays guitar well, and is solid at bass. Keyboards wouldn't hurt.Let us know if you are interested.We are based out of Cincinnati.
Posted by Pomegranates on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 08:41:00 PST


Our recent photos. The one of us shirtless and sexy and the ones on the Lujo page were done by our good friend Oleksandr Maslov aka Sasha. He is an excellent photographer and we're extremely gratefu...
Posted by Pomegranates on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 02:19:00 PST

Buying the EP

You can now buy our EP at the Borders in Mason. I work there, so when you buy it come over and say hi. When I see that you have our CD in your hand, I will then do one of the following:1. Hug you.2....
Posted by Pomegranates on Fri, 13 Jul 2007 10:40:00 PST