baiti profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me u can see me smile to you but the next day u're going to be my worst nightmare i.e:like to hear rumours rather than observe people first,like to dreams bout something dat is impossible,don't believe dat women can make the first 'move'....believe dat there's no love at first sight but more to lust at first sight

My Interests

berangan, lepaks, tido, shopping(kalau ade duit la), aktiviti liar, movies, ASTRO, scanning mamat british india....(tp dah takde dah!), HARTAMAS and there are 2 places dat I desired t go: -IF I FELT TOO LONELY I LIKE TO GO TO NEW YORK WHERE THAT CITY IS FOR THE LONER PERSON,LIKE ME RIGHT NOW! -IF I'M IN LOVE I WANT TO GO TO PARIS OR ANY PLACE IN FRANCE WIF MY LOVE ONES TO SHARE MY LOVE DESIRED WIF MY HONEY!------hemmmmm....sems weird right?!!!!

I'd like to meet:

NOBODY......stop borthering me larrrr.Go away!

.....WeLcome to myPage.....


music video code by
akon - bananza (belly dancer)


LOTR-return of the king,all devon sawa movies,my hometown movies,american history X,what's eating gilbert grapes?,buli,maid in mahattan,wedding planner,a walk to remember,pretty women,when a men loves a women,miss congeniality,gothica,jeepers creepers1&2,pirates of the carribean,serendipity,sister act 2,valentine,blade,air force one(my fav all d time),sream 1, speed,ali setan,adik manja


FRIENDS,SEA QUEST,Love Shack!,Beverly Hills 90210,Second noah,Discovery Travel and Adventure,MTV-cribs,MTV-Punk'd,MTV-Making the Video,sex n the city


Danielle steel's, Lori Foster's, Julie Kistler's, Aisya Sofea's, Janet Evanovich's, Jill shalvis's, Jamie sobarto's(all the Temptation's writer..ahaksss....GRAWWWW!)


my parents,my 2 sis,my bro, and ALLAH

My Blog

i'm not the perfect accept me as me......

i'm not a perfect person. there are many things i wish i didnt do but i continue learning. i never meant to do those things to you. and so i have to say before i go, that i just want you to know...
Posted by baiti on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

sweet song for me.....

Izinkan aku Melafazkan isi hatiku Kau yang satu Bagiku tiada lain darimu Pastiku kan ubatiku lukamu Segala kemahuanmu ku beri Janjiku... padamu Hatiku hanya untukmu Tiada yang lain darimu ...
Posted by baiti on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

WAS IS IT something i didn't say?......

a Few Question that i need to know. How u could ever hurt me so... I need to know what i've done wrong? And how long its been going on? Did i never give enough attention? Or did i not g...
Posted by baiti on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

wat i'm doing today!

Name Four Things You Are Thinking About Now : 1. Dr ali's assignment 2. Research assignment 3. Concert Academy Fantasia(to c Fitri) 4. Which assignment want to start first Name the Last Four T...
Posted by baiti on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

my type of guy

If you are a guy, tell us what you want your girl to be like. If you are a girl, then tell us what you want your guy to be like. 01. Hair colour: orginal of his hair color 02. Eye colour: sm...
Posted by baiti on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST