ejoy * * * profile picture

ejoy * * *

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

name: azizul rahman abduL rah|m
Birthdate: 18 oCt 1983
Birthplace: hOsP|t@L al-aQraM..gOmBaK
Eye colour: bRoWn kOt!
Hair colour: bLacK
Tatoos: nOpE
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: g|rLfReN
Number: 7..17....18...30...36...
Drink: anyTh|ng..bUt nOt wif aLcoHoL
Alcohol Drink: nopE
Pepsi or coke: cOkE
Mcdonalds or Burgerking: bOtH
Chocolate or Vanilla: bOtH
Dog or Cat: caT
Hip Hop or Punk: r&b hehee
Summer or Winter: w|ntEr
Bedtime: nOt sUrE
Ever smoked: noPe
Ever drank: nOpe
What country do you want to visit: LoNdOn...(cHeLseA)
Believe in yourself: yeSsS
Want go to college: sOmEdaY
Do you smoke: nopE
Been in love: yeEEsssZZZaaa
Do you sing: soMetImEs..heeheh
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