sImpLe buT Full Of AdvEntUreS iN liFE! vErY opTimiSTic, inDepenDent, goD fEarinG, fUn tO be WiTh, outSpoKen, SpontAnEouS... I giVe imPortaNce to My fAmiLy and I vaLue liFe vEry muCh.Cute Myspace Layouts
Girly Myspace Layouts
coLognEs and PerFumes!! mY miNt MochA FappUCciNo BlenDed CofFeE, lattE, shoEs, BaGS, m&m'S, ~*spending time with my baby*~, waTcHinG MovIes
oLd aNd NeW friEndS, inTerEsTinG PeOplE
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bOssA, Rnb, pop-jAzZ,
seReNdiPiTy, If 0nLy, MusiC and LyRicS, A lOt LikE lOve, it'S a Boy GiRL thIng, dEviL wEarS pRadA
OprAh, Tyra BankS ShoW, FreddIe, WhaT i LikE Ab0uT yOu, RaVeN, GreYs AnAtoMy
pUrpoSe DrIvEn