.. Anime! luv the anime and manga. i could go on and on
You Are Rain
You can be warm and sexy. Or cold and unwelcoming.
Either way, you slowly bring out the beauty around you.
You are best known for: your touch
Your dominant state: changing
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"You are a very passionate person, however, this passion often remains hidden below the surface. You have a great deal of compassion for others and are always willing to help those in need. You have a great generosity, sometimes so great that you neglect yourself while giving to others. You also have a stubborn side, though, which serves to protect you from being taken advantage of by those you help."
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a ninja....because ninja's are super sweet
You scored as Goth. That's awesome! Go you!
Emo Kid
.. My Chemical Romace, Green day, System of a Down, Panic!at the Dico, breaking Benjamin, Queen, Gorillaz, Nightwish, Sum 41, Mindless self Indelgence, Korn, the Killers, Jimmy eat World,Evanescence, and some other random stuff
.. The Nightmare Before Christmas, Charile and the Chocolate Factory, X-men, Lion King, Finding Nemo, Holes, The Emperors New Groove, The Brothers Grim, Kung Pow..and some others.....
.. (pretty much anything on adult swim)Inuyasha, YuYu Hakusho, Blood+, Bleach, Full Metal Alchemist, Case closed, Naruto, Ghost in a Shell, One piece, Dragon Ball Z, Tenchi Muyo, Invader Zim, Powerpuff girls, Gilmore Girls
..The Anita Blake Vampire novels by Laurell K. Hmilton; Dead in Dixie, by chatlaine Harris; In the Forest of the night, Demon in my View, Shattered Mirror, HawkSong, SnakeCharm; all by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes; and Vampired Kisses, by Ellen Schreiber. Interview with the vampire, Full moon rising,um....Silver kisses, um...Twilgiht & New Moon.......alot of manga too, like Kadocha, Inuyasha, Dragon Knights, Rave Master, Fruits basket, Naruto, Yu Yu Hakusho,Yugioh, one piece, dr. slump,love hina, drama con........i've read alot more, but i don't feel like listing them ^_^
..My brother, and My imaginary friend named Danny and Linx, and my friends imaginary friend named Eric ^_^..
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