too many things to name off.
Click Here to put this game in your profile!Katie's sexual nickname:
"Upper deck warheads"
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Die and Kyo from Dir En Grey. I love Kyo's voice and i love the music.Bück dich!!!
J-Rock!!!! or anything else that has a great beat... Pornosonic! that's the c.d. that i want but it isn't in production anymore. it was a c.d. that had classic porno music and had the king of porno inbetween songs to keep the mood up. It was great and i wish i owned a copy.
TANK GIRL!!!!! 5th Element...Ichi The Killer!!!
scratch t.v.! this is my pet place!!! XD
I adopted a cute lil' poison fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!
adopt your own virtual pet!
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What Is Your Role In A Relationship? (Male and Female, detailed results with Anime Pics!)
You are the Free Spirit
Free Spirits are mysterious beings, often nature loving, rarely in one place for long, always moving on. Your mystery is your greatest appeal, and your completely unreserved nature can be very attractive. You're not afraid to dance around in the rain or dive in a giant pile of leaves like a five year old. Embarrassment is not something you are well acquainted with.
Some people might consider you to be snobby, and it's true that you can sometimes be aloof, but you are not deliberately condescending, in fact, you believe most people to be better than you, and from your distant perch you can see all the positive attributes that aren't so obvious when close by.
You are a wandering soul who drifts in and out of people's lives, often without realising the impact and affect you have on them. Most of the time you presume people forget you almost as soon as you leave, but your mystery has kept many a heart ensnared for long after you have moved on.
Most compatible with: The Cynic
You need to be given a free rein in a relationship - not be expected to show up on time to dates or make any grand shows of commitment. The Cynic will expect nothing of you, and likes it that you expect nothing of them. With no expectations on either side, the only way to go is up, and with your allure keeping the Cynic interested in you, you'll be surprised how attached you could get!
Least compatible with: The Controlling
The last thing you want is to end up caged. The Controlling will try to rein you in, keep you under control, crushing your independent spirit. You would feel suffocated and dispirited very quickly, and it wouldn't be long before you wilted to half your former glory.
Your song is: Universe and U, KT Tunstall
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