Raymo dont no anymore !!OTB!! profile picture

Raymo dont no anymore !!OTB!!

If I ever lost Raymond... man I dont know what I would do... Id loose the love of my life and a best

About Me

Yeah well Raymond just got hacked by Victorria!!<♥>
Hehe I love him so very much. This boy is litterally amazing. Im so glad I met him. Yeah Im the luckiest girl on the planet. mhm so be jealous cause he's mine. He's the greatest. He's made me the happiest I've been in my whole life. Thank you for that babe. I love when he smiles because its so beautiful..It makes me see clear..If only he could see in the mirror what I see..I love when he laughs. I love the way he tries so hard to make any bad situation better. I love the way he holds me when Im cold because he's my warmth. Yeah he has that special warm embrace. He is the most FAITHFUL boyfriend.He's very RARE to find... No one can ever measure up to him...you know what just to sum it all up I LOVE HIM.<♥> I hope we go super far... untill the end of time. Thank you Babe for everything you have done for me... and for just being there for me all around. I LOVE YOU.<♥> ____________Victorria__________

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song in the making

  tonight is my right of passage.... to show how much i love her... nothing can tare us apart... because we are one and we are tangled by the heart... ...i saw her through the chaos... and it di...
Posted by Raymo dont no anymore !!OTB!! on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 02:50:00 PST