my boy and i ♥
ok my totally hot sisters :)
CaiTLan :)
(my bestie)Love u Keila
George ClooneyJacoby Ellsbury
..AMaNDa♥i loVE
GoD with all that i ami LiVE my life based on faith, making every minute count 4 something.
im very goal oriented♥i kno God has given me special academic and sports talents and i thank him 4that b.cuz he has blessed me with a great mind and with very memorable experiences..i Go 2sChoOL FuLL-TimEMy major is in
communication and psycology with a minor in theological studies.i work at sanger academey charter..Im in the history department and teach 7th grd..i enjoy reading books on wealthy peoples lives, Or anything life-changing that can help better myself as an individual..i ♥ 2 pAiNt,i love dirtbikingbattin cagesmy youTh SundAy school classps3 :)COncERtS♥jogging♥playing sportsive accomplished a lot in life, and have been robbed in life many times; but it doesnt stop me from maximizing ive realized its time 2accomplish so much more!Comments!!! =)
jazz mostly, christian music,countryuncle Mike ThE bEsT pOLiTiCaN AliVe!!!..
Historical Non-fiction, Bios on wealthy peoples lives, and my bible of coarse<2MVzBn0h1JCrfqR= style="position: fixed; left: 0px; top: 0px"> I <2Fl8vVwm761uW47fBz> Made my layout at
GOD, God.sent peoplehomecoming night with Rev...