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What college QB are you?

Marcus Vick
You are fast. I mean really fast. You love to scamble and when you aren't scrambling you are throwing on the run. You could play wide receier or running back if you wanted, but having an arm like yours puts you in a league of your own.
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What NFL WR are you????? (Sick PIcz)

Terrell Owens
Uses his muscles to break tackles and talks alot... Hes got great hands
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yOu tHiNk yOu knO .. *
.. bAsiCs *
oO1. FiRsT NaMe? kevin
oO2. MiDdLe NaMe? ronald mcdonald
oO3. NiCkNaMeS? kevin
oO4. biRthdAy? september 14
oO5. EyE cOlOr? hazel
oO6. HaiR cOlOr? brown
oO7. HeiGhT? 5-8
oO8. yOuR hEriTaGe? a lot
oO9. SchOol? J-TOWN
o1O. PiErCiNgS yOu hAve? none
o11. PiErCiNgS yOu WaNt? noe
.. fAvOriTes *
o12. cOlOr? orange
o13. TyPe Of MuSiC? ummm
o14. cAr?
o15. suBjeCt? lunch
o16. sEasOn? summer
o17. foOd? pizzzzza
o18. SpOrT? lacrosse
o19. iCe CrEaM flAvOr? cotton CANDY
o2O. cAnDy? fruit snacks
o21. pLaCe tO bE? DISNEY WORLD
o22. JuNk foOd? allll
o23. ReSTaUrAnt? roman delight
.. tHiS Or ThAt *
o24. WiNtEr Or SuMmEr? summer
o25. foOtbALl Or bAskEtbaLl? football
o26. PuRpLe Or PiNk? pink
o27. wEed Or aLcOhOl? no answer
o28. pEn Or pEnCiL? pen
o29. rAp oR mEtAl? rap
.. wOuLd yOu eVeR .. *
o3O. BuNgEe jUmP? yea
o31. sKy DiVe? yea
o32. sWiM WiTh DoLpHiNs? yea
o33. eAt sHiT fOr a MiLliOn dOlLaRs? depends whos shit
o34. LiE tO tHe pOliCE? yes
o35. WaLk OuT Of a ReStAuRaNt WiThOuT pAyiNg? no............
o36. sCubA DiVe? yea
.. HaVe yOu eVer .. *
o37. beEn tO MicHiGaN? i dont think
o38. stOleN aNytHinG?
o39. BrOken a BeEr bOTtLe? no
o4O. BeEn tO a cOnceRt? yea
o41. BrOken a Law? yea
o42. cRiEd tO GeT Out Of TrOubLe? yea
o43. beEn tO AnOtHeR cOuNtRy? yea
o44. tRiEd tO KiLl yOurSeLf? haa na
.. OpiNiOns *
o45. wHat dO yOu tHinK AbOuT .. SuiCidE? crazy
o46. fLag bUrniNg? idk
o47. bOy bAnDs? no
o48. AbOrTiOns?
.. WhAt DiD yOu dO *
o49. LaSt BiRtHdAy? went to school
o5O. tOdAy? madden
o51. LaSt wEeKeNd? i dont no
o52. NeW yEaRs? mexico
o53. HaLlOwEeN? prolly trick or treated
o54. ChRiStMaS? i opened presents
.. ThE LaSt *
o55. ThiNg yOu aTe? this dip i dont no wat it was
o56. ThiNg yOu dRaNk? orange juice
o57. ThiNg yOu wOrE? shorts and a shirt
o59. sOng yOu LisTeNeD tO? i dont no
o6O. pLacE yOu wEnt? my house
o61. pErsOn yOu IMed? adedn
.. YeS oR nO *
o62. aRe yOu a VeGeTaRiAn? no
o63. aRe yOu a BitCH? no
o64. aRe yOu a FaSt rUnNeR? no
o65. cAn yOu sUrf? a lil bit
o66. DiD yOu eVer GiVe BaRbiE a HaiRcUt? i dont think so
o67. aRe yOu ArTisTic? not at all
o68. dO yOu ThiNk DiSnEy CrEaToRs WeRe On aCid wHeN tHey mAde "aLicE iN wOndeRlAnd?" prolly
o69. dO yOu Own A hOt PiNk sHirT? no
o7O. DiD yOu eVeR KnOw sOmeOne WhO hAd A MuLlet? no