reptiles, Video Games,Cartoons, My Dogs, the Dog park, and whatever else can fill the time
Genuinely nice people if there's some left. AIM xhestermofetx Xbox Live:XTUNGX
The Four Tops Waylon Jennings Ringworm Madball Slayer The Game Roy Orbison Johnny Cash 2PAC The Misfits (pretty diverse, huh?)
Borat, Tombstone, The Rocky Movies, The Star Wars Movies, anything with Hannibal Lecter in it, Silent Hill, The Resident Evil movies, Justice League:The New Frontier, Superman:Doomsday, Akira, Vampire Hunter D, anything Miyasaki made
Justice League Unlimited, The office, Simpsons,Dragonball Z, The Original Twilight Zones, South Park
The Dark Tower series
Captain America, but he died last year. So no heroesWell maybe J'on J'onz(Martian Manhunter)