Snowboarding, GUNS/WEAPONS, lifted Chevys, alcohol abuse, SCOUTS, extermination of all islamic fundalmentalists, and good ole' fashioned sex with my Wife
Fucking nobody, I'm just here for the people I already know. So if your some faggot trying to be my friend, kindly go fuck yourself.
What is best in life? Crush your enemies, See them driven before you, and to Hear the lamentation of their women
Old School, Blackhawk Down, South Park, Conan, Red Dawn, Rocky IV, Karate Kid, Most porn, and Team America....Fuck Yeah!!!
What is that? Double Deuce! Blood on my knife!
I lack the ability to read, but I do like pictures...oh and fuck france
SSG Daniel Gresham U.S. Army EOD KIA 24 Feb 05 in Samarra, Iraq and Rudumous Maxiumus, Nefarious Prime, and Orillious Ledgamus