Rock Climbing, Kayaking, Surf Fishing, Surfing, Sky Diving, Hiking, Hanging out at the beach,and watching as many movies as possible.
Lance Armstrong, Dave Letterman, Forrest Griffin, Muhamid Ali, Brian Hughes
O.A.R., Matisyahu, Dave, Robert Randoplh, Country, Rock, Reggae. I pretty much like it all!
The Boondock Saints, Wedding Crashers, Harry Potter, 40yr Old Virgin, The Shawshank Redemption, Good Will Hunting, The Departed, Milo and Otis. Anything with an adventure or that makes me laugh
The Sheild,The Ultimate Fighter, Lost, Law and Order SVU, Anything on the outdoor channel
Anything that's available on CD or MP3
My Sister! She keeps me in line. I love her!