cutting hair I love to make mix cds holla
anybody that want to meet me shit!!!!! as long as you don't want to put me in jail ,kill me or ask me for money that don't have I want to meet you holla holla holla holla holla holla
Talib Kweli--Listen!!!
Talib Kwelis MySpace Page
JAZZ real hip hop shit!!!!!!! good muzic
Love jones shit!!!!!!!!! I like all of them good black movies that you and some girl that you don't see any more went to see you get to think about them and what if you were still with them you know what I'm say'in
CNN & C SPAN shit!!!!!!!!!!!! all of the news I like to see all of them lying about some bulls..t war some shit they doing to Black people around the world
any book will do shit!!!!!!!!! you know some books got some real shit and some books got some good pics that you can copy to tell your life story you know what I'm say'in
All black people I know and the ones I did't know that died and live for the liberation of black people world wide