personal connections and communication, drawing, writing, reading, dancing, spirituality, self exploration, meditating, self-expression, love, human nature, human potential, the brain, the universe and it's parallel counterparts, abstract thinking, the evolution and expansion of consciousness, philosophy, conversation, learning the idiosyncracies and imperfection in people, insanity/sanity, the rest of the world around me
genuine good people, schizophrenics, and anyone who can teach me how to breakdance
i am crazy...i suddenly found myself liking most all music..even country (never saw that coming) because i can relate and understand alo..most every word expressed...drives me now i am particularly attracted to the music that makes me want to get up and dance around again or music that sings my justifications for the way i currently live. Ridiculous maybe...honest yes.
Just say no...not ready or i don't like it...whatever...satelites need redefining first.
Time to dabble in the art of the word from a differnt angle....I am a recovering is time out time for me and the printed word.
The Sugar Plum Fairy, the dying breed of people who are still honest and say what they mean and participate in both the question/answer let's get to know each other old fashioned style of communication, and people who still care enough to help....or at least want to help.