muddin,movies,mall and hanging out with my friends,and music i would die with out my music
i would like to meet a skater,football player,or a redneck. Blonde hair or brown hair, blue or green eyes. has to be funny and sweet. thanks
i like rap,hip-hop, and some country i like kelly clarkson,eminem,kenny chesney,nelly,50-cent,and a hole lot more
my favorite movies are Dukes of hazzard,the perfect man,scary movies i like just about any kind of movies.
my favorite tv shows are mtv,TRL.real world,laguna beach,true life,law and order all 3 series. i like a lot of different shows.
my favorite books are belle praters boy, the seach for belle prater,and any mysteryor funny books.
my hero is Daisy Duke i know that it sounds funny but no really she is my hero. i have watched that show ever scence i have just loved her.