happies: making people feel like hot stuff. scarves. taking naps with the tv on mute. concentration. caffeine. singing in the car. weather that requires an open window. learning. situations that make my heart skip a beat. baby animals. exceptionally good music. IMPERFECTION. sillyness. well-balanced asymmetry. scents that require a deep breath. songs that make me want to shake it. sweet tea. whenever someone is happy to see me. my kitty, even though he's mentally challenged. classic simplicity. modesty! second chances. anticipation.
dislikes: awkward silences. seafood. confusion. confrontation. being told i'm wrong when i know i'm right. politics and religion. sneezing. surprises. socks and shoes. being tickled. bugs. nightmares. tv and tulsa's radio stations. crazy insane people! feeling unappreciated or inadequate. spending money. ghosts and aliens. being nervous. alligator snapping turtles. people who rate their self-importance by the amount of myspace friends they have. car commercials.