~**~_♥jaydee♥_~**~ profile picture


The girl that they use to know done changed now they sayin Miss before they mention my name ...lol

About Me

{ B1g ♥ B00ty ♥ Judy}
Graphics & Layouts
Graphics & Layouts{B!G ♥ B00ty ♥ Judy}* H3y mY nAm3 iiS Jaydee
aKa biiG B0otY jUdY [ I WOuLd rAth3r b3 cAlL3d by mY r3al nAm3 ..THANKS!]
RiiGht Now Go t0 L0uiisBurg C0lL3g3 iin North Carolina
BuT I wAs b0rn/rAis3d iin MAryLand.
I g0t thAt dC swAg wiitH a S0uth3rn belL AttitUd3!
mY frii3nDs sAy I'm a 3motionAl p3rson...
I JusT hAv3 a cAriinG H3arT ♥
RiGht N0w I'm F0cusinG On Th3 biiG3r THiings iiN Liif3
mYs3lF, fAmiiLy, & fRii3nDs....
Th3 ChildiisH Gam3s wiiTh eNemiies & Niigas cAn C0m3 LaT3r
I hAv3 a FutUr3 t0 tHiinK ab0ut ♥Layout Provided By CodeMyLayout.com - Myspace Layouts I edited my profile at MsPremade.com . check out these Myspace Layouts!

MySpace Layouts MySpace Generators MySpace Editor MySpace Graphics Best YouTube Videos

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Myspace Graphics, Glitter Graphics, Layouts embed src='http://www.nackvision.com/ticker/scrollText.swf?NewMess age= MUCH LOVE' quality='medium' bgcolor='..ffffff' width='380' height='60' name='led_scroll' align='middle' allowScriptAccess="never"




Personalized Glitter Graphics


Graphics & Layouts


Graphics & Layouts
Graphics & Layouts
Graphics & Layouts


Graphics & Layouts