power in the form of sharing
Jill Scott, Sade, Freestyle Fellowship, sector 2132310, neil young, Project Blowed whats the code?, west indian girl, Dorothy Ashby, deftones, War, paris, james brown, michael jackson. public enemy, herbie hancock, muddy waters, Run DMC, guns n roses, willie dixon, johnny watson, led zepplin, ac/dc, jimi hendrix, janis joplin, dj drez, Stevie ray Vaughn, Van Halen (not Van Hagar), queens of the stone age, Sabbath, KnD, Iron Maiden, bjork, henry mancini
hudsucker proxy, whale rider, smoke signals, pi, mullholland drive, blue velvet, fong sai yuk, joe dirt
ronald takaki, ward churchill, bell hooks
People who aren't scared to be different