Shadjua profile picture


I smile because I don't know what the hell is going on

About Me

My friend Coral created this!
It's a quiz to see which of her favorite Myspace people you are.
I took it and got myself!
How special! ;)

Which of my favorite myspacers are you?
You are SHADJUA!The do-gooder/superman! You are the sweetest man alive, and you know it. But you're crazy enough to be fun, and smart enough to be my hero. You've got it all baby...
Take this quiz !
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Moi? hmm.... I am.... different. But then again, aren't we all? I grew up in a small village on the coast of the great pacific. Just between Stepford and Frontierland. Where everyone is white and straight. Where all the boys surf and all the girls play volleyball. Where all the popular kids parents are all in the PTA. Then there was the rest of us. The fatties, the poor kids, the fags, the not so white kids, the kid who liked to throw things, anyone who was even slightly different than the mold. Those were my peeps. Still are. I value my friends like family. I keep my friends for life. I am a great lover of people in general. I believe in the goodness of humankind. (Even if we are very shortsighted in a lot of ways). I am a total momma's boy. I am a happily married gay man. My husband is my best friend and I love him with every inch of my being. (even when he pisses me off) ; ) I'm a student at Cal Poly SLO. I have got to be the worlds longest running senior. I started college at 17, at 28 I'm still crawling through my BA. Ah. where did the time go? Well mostly working (got make the paper) and slacking off (ie. hanging with my friends, hooping, traveling, festivals, partying, camping, hiking, biking, ect. I guess I got kinda distracted. Yep, that about sums me up.
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My Interests

This video was created by my homie David I think it does a really great job and exposing the truth.

I enjoy nothing, sometimes it is so nice to sit around and do nothing. When I'm not busy doing nothing, and not working or going to class, I enjoy doing a lot of other things. Oh, like doing nothing with my friends, hiking, mountain biking, taking pictures, free-ball sun bathing, travelling, dancing, laughing, partying, being creative, volunteering, protesting, watching porn (hey, ya'll do it too, you know it), listening to music, dressing in drag(on the rarest occasions)and most recently, hula hooping (check out my group HULA HOOPLA!

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You are Bettie Page
Girl next door with a wild streak
You're a famous beauty - with unique look
And the people like you are cultish about it What Famous Pinup Are You?

Build a Better Bush


I'd like to meet:

I already know so many cool people, I don't really need any more friends. But the truth is I'm always down to meet new folk. I love sexy bitches (it's all about the right attitude). I love fags, especially those queens who don't put up with shit. Oh and trannys, cause them's some bitches you don't wanna fuck with! and it's good to have them on your side! lol. I love dykes to, I mean where would we be without our sisters? Yeah I love straight girls too (just not for sex, not these days at least) Truth is I love about everyone. I totally love hippies and activists. I love people who are down to earth. I love sexy straight boys who aren't such pussys they can't be friends with gay men. Speaking of sexy men (i wasn't gonna mention them, but since you brought it up) I love all kinds of sexy men, gay, straight or maybe just a little slutty... I love dirty boys with ink and piercings, sometimes i love mes a daddy, I love smart boys, umm thats sexy, let me rub all up on your big ol head (the one on top, you perv) I like just about all of them (what can I say, I'm from a long line of ho's). So you fit any of these catergories and you wanna get to know me, send me an email and tell me about yourself, and if your seem pretty cool... I might ad you ;)

Black People LOVE us!


Tori Amos,Nina Simone,Etta James,Ani Difranco, Sublime, Jeff Buckley, Bob Marley, Peggy Lee, Tina Turner, Billie Holiday, The Supremes, Louis Armstrong, The Shangrillas, Wendy Lee, Lou Reed, David Bowie, Van Morrison, The Femmebotz, Northern State, Joni Mitchell, Peter Tosh, CCR, Natalie Merchant, Crosby Stills and Nash, Sade, Primus, The Reverened Horton Heat, Hedwig and The Angry Inch, Ella Fitzgerald, Poe, Portishead, Beyonce, Leonard Cohen, John Prine, Melanie, Phish, Janis Joplin, Grateful Dead, Snoop Dogg, Dr Dre, Violent Femmes, Spearhead, 50 cent, Monica Pasqual, Madonna(just a little), Black Eyed Peas, Grace Jones, Concrete Blonde, Blondie, Pink Floyd, Tracy Chapman, Zap Mama, NIN, KD Lang, Ted Hawkins, Cat Stevens, Garbage, Missy Elliot, The Bastard Fairies... hmmm what else do I love?


Some of my favorites....
Harold and Maude, Hedwig and the Angry Inch, Frida, Prisilla, Queen of the Desert, But I'm a Cheerleader, Orgazmo, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Billy Elliot, Chachorro, Y tu mama tambien, All About my Mother, Monster, Margaret Cho (all of her stand-up) PORN! (I'm not too picky, but I do have a hard spot for big dicks and ripped bods, but who doesn't), Wet Hot American Summer, All the Muppet Movies, Blue Velvet, Pecker, Hairspray, A Dirty Shame (I love you John), Lost Highway, Queens of Comedy, Even Cowgirls get the Blues, Sordid Lives, Kill Bill, Rat Race, Fried Green Vaginas, I can't think anymore.


Sex and the City, Soap, Strangers with Candy, Six Feet Under, South Park, Fat Actress, Drawn Together, Queer as Folk, Rosanne, Absolutely Fabulous, Reno 911, Family Guy, Joe Schmo Show, Simple Life, Project Runway ...
You Are Miss Piggy
A total princess and diva, you're totally in charge - even if people don't know it.
You want to be loved, adored, and worshiped. And you won't settle for anything less.
You're going to be a total star, and you won't let any of the "little people" get in your way.
Just remember, piggy, never eat more than you can lift! The Muppet Personality Test


When I'm not reading text books.... Everything by Tom Robbins, Stephen King, Anne Rice, Rita Mae Brown etc. I've read a bit of Anais Nin. I'm reading the Earth Children's series by Jean Auel. Other books I enjoyed but read a long time ago are Archy and Mehitabel, The little Prince, Farentheit 451... I used to read A LOT of Dean Koontz, but then I realized he was rewrting the same story over and over. I occasionally dabble in the classics and I love a little non-fiction now and then (ie Randy Shilts), but mostly I love reading silly fiction.


Mom (because she's a survivor, and she raised me with all the love in her heart), My husband Michael (for being all that he is, and for having the strength and the courage to love me), Harvey Milk, Martin Luther King Jr., Malcom X,(I love these three men for the same reason because they lived to make this world a more accepting and more loving place despite the fact they all knew they were going to be killed for doing so)Del Martin and Phylis Lyon - two of the forerunners of the LGBT rights movement, Julia Butterfly, Denis Peron, Mary Harris "Mother" Jones(that "Mother" stands for "Bad-ass Mother Fucker" even in her 80's that woman was a force to be reckoned with), Ghandi, Jane Goodall (Chimpazees are seriouly amazing people, no shit), Nina Simone "I've got a lotta livin to do before I die, ain't got no time to waste" and anyone who ever had the balls (or ovaries) to speak their mind and tell it like it is. Oh, and I wanted to thank the academy.

My Blog

Shift Your Gender

was the theme of last nights Bike Happening.It was my first succesful happening. (I tried to go before, but I had to go home because I didn't have a light) Anyhow it was AWESOME!With a theme like "shi...
Posted by Shadjua on Fri, 04 May 2007 03:17:00 PST

The Adventures of Dora the Explorer

I found these pictures from the latest episode of Dora the Explorer. Go Dora Go!  ...
Posted by Shadjua on Wed, 02 May 2007 09:53:00 PST

The Ping Pong Matrix

Posted by Shadjua on Sat, 24 Mar 2007 07:38:00 PST

Chimps are evolving culture!

Chimanzee's are our closest living relatives. We share about 96% of the same DNA. (Bonobo Chimps share about 98% of our DNA) Below are two articles decribing the discovery of chimpanzee culture. What ...
Posted by Shadjua on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 09:45:00 PST

Homosexuality and the Bible.

** I found myself in a discussion of homosexuality and religion today. Mike had accidently logged on to my YouTube account and had posted a responce about an anti-gay video.  Below is the re...
Posted by Shadjua on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 12:58:00 PST

Like I said...

I just read this article posted as a bulletin by [shane] It expands upon the topic of the blog I posted last night. I know it is a bit lengthly but I ask you all to please read it and pass the informa...
Posted by Shadjua on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 06:40:00 PST

Food for Thought...

So. As if I wasn't pissed off enough. One of my major requirements is to take a Geography class called "Human Impact on the Environment" I am enrolled in it this quarter. Every Tuesday and Thursday I ...
Posted by Shadjua on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 07:10:00 PST

Of course, I should have known. It was tofu that made me gay. DUH!!!

This is a WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which follows. To view this item online, visit 27 Tuesday, December 1...
Posted by Shadjua on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 10:36:00 PST

The Lost Ones

Below is an article from the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. It is based on a report on the amount of homless teens in NYC. I want ya'll to read it over. I think it is a very serious issue. The ...
Posted by Shadjua on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 10:21:00 PST

Tales of Faith

So why is it that I always write blogs in pairs? Good question. I have no idea.FYI if you were looking for a religious blog, I'm afraid I have misled you. This is a different kind of Faith, one that l...
Posted by Shadjua on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 06:49:00 PST