Shopping for da bling, dancing, listening to good music, relaxing, making music, learning new things, eating fine food, and kickin' it with friendz.
Hello! Guyz, gurlz, anyone as long as ur cool! I'm interested in relationships (women) but I'm cool with just being friends.
My interests are as diverse as the company I keep! yo-- Eminem, 50 cent, Lea Salonga, Sharon Cuneta, Chingy, J.Lo, Frank Sinatra (Ol' Blue Eyes), Christina Aguilera
Alice Sweet Alice, Mrs. Doubtfire, the Sleepaway Camp series, What a Girl Wants, How to Deal, Crossroads, anything with hot gurlz
All My Children, General Hospital, anything on the Filipino Channel (TFC), Fear Factor, American Idol, Will and Grace, the L word, the Swan
anything by my homegurlz Edith Wharton and Danielle Steel, Ophelia's Daughter, 101 Lies Men Tell Women, lesbian erotic fiction
Madonna, Gwen, Susan B. Anthony, my Ate