♥Pin-up Artist Nicole♥ profile picture

♥Pin-up Artist Nicole♥

♥Making the world better by drawing hot chicks♥

About Me

I am a young female Pin-up artist. Thats right! Female! There should be more of us out there! We are a rare breed. The female pin-up artist! I live in southern california and I love to draw and paint women. I recently graduated from Cal State Fullerton with a degree in Fine Arts with an emphasis in Illustration. I always got funny looks in school. While everyone else were painting still lifes, I was drawing hot chicks. So I guess you can say that I am a bit out of the ordinary. I do appreciate the beauty and the sensuality of a woman. It needs to be captured and immortalized in artwork.♥ Please leave me comments on my artwork! I really love feedback!♥This is one of the prettiest things I have ever heard. It is from one of my favorite movies "Maytime" with Nelson Eddy and Jeanette MacDonald. If you haven't seen it, I recommend it!I am a huge Reba fan!I love Chevy Chase in this one
Myspace Layouts - Girls Only Myspace Layouts
Myspace Codes - Myspace Generators - Myspace Backgrounds

My Interests

I love art! Most of the time I am sitting around drawing or painting. Or I am on my computer going through photos and looking for ideas to draw or paint. I am a portraint artist. I draw people. Also I am totally into video games and action movies! I love comic books. I love movies based on comic books. When I am not sitting at home drawing and painting, I am hanging out with my friends and having a good time.

I'd like to meet:

I would love to meet other artists who share similar interests as me. I would also love to meet people who are in the industry and gallery owners who specialize in erotic/pin-up art. ♥I would like to find beautiful women who would like to model for me. I would like girls who can pose in Lingerie or artistic nudity. If you are not comfortable with nudity, then you can stick to cute outfits and lingerie!♥I am available for commisions! Do you want a portrait of that special someone? I can help! You have some wall space that needs a beautiful woman on it? I can help with that too! Just let me know what you need!♥I am also a Make-up artist and a have a drive to make women beautiful. It goes along with being an artist. A face is just another canvas. I love to work with bright and beautiful colors so if you need a dramatic look for your photoshoot, I am available for hire.♥


I love a little of everything. I can listen to show tunes, country, rock, metal, oldies, opera, rap......Of course, I don't like all of all of it. I like a few here and there.


I love movies that I can really get into and care about the characters. If I don;t care if the main character lives or dies, then it is a horrible movie. I don't really like horror movies. They are predictable and mindless. I love comic books, so naturally I am thrilled with all the comic movies coming out lately. I think that X-Men 1 & 2 have been awesome. I love both Spider-mans and I liked Fantastic Four. I was alright with Daredevil, and the Hulk SUCKED!!!!!! Sorry to anyone who disagrees, but its true. Hulk was horrible! I love the Blade Series. Which for anyone who doesn;t know is a marvel comic book series! See, comics are cool! I am a huge Rogue fan, but I am not sure about Ana Paquin playing her. Rogue is alot stronger then is portrayed in the movies. I am not talking about her powers, I am talking about her character. She is a fiery southern Belle, not some timid mouse! In the comics, Rogue has taken on an entire army single handedly, do you think Ana Paquin could do that? Sorry, I like Ana Paquin, just not in this role.Now that I have rambled on and on about my comic interests, I will continue with what this whole thing was originally about. I love movies. I like romances sometimes. Not a gushy chick. I did love Phantom of the Opera though. But it was visually beautiful. Well, for anyone still reading, I love actions and comedies. I would love to see a guys flick over a chick flick any day.


I love: Scrubs, The Office, Cold Case, My name is Earl, Family Guy, The Shield, South Park, King of Queens, Entourage, Rescue Me, Prison Break, How I met your Mother, Boston Legal, Reba and HEROES! I am so addicted to that show......Hmm, I can't think of any more at the moment. I will let you know if anything else comes to me!


There is nothing like getting into a hot bath with lots of bubbles and a good romance novel! Especially when you have the real thing waiting for you when you get out! I love fantasy as well. I am on book 26 of the ongoing Xanth novels by Piers Anthony. That guy can write! I am anxiously awaiting the last book in the Harry Potter series. Yes, I admit it and I am not ashamed, they are awesome books! I recently became hooked on an author named Gregory Maguire. If you haven't read "Wicked" yet, YOU SHOULD. I loved that book. I loved the sequel to it as well. When I am not reading, I am in the process of writing my own novel. Its not easy. I have written about 50,000 words so far and I am only half done with the story. Who knows how long the book will end up being. I need to find a literay agent. Does anyone know where I can find one?


My heroes include Boris Vallejo, Julie Bell, Olivia, Matt Hughes, Dave Nestler, Greg and Tim Hildebrandt, Armando Huerta and Frank Frazetta. As for writing, my heroes are Piers Anthony, JK Rowling and Gregory Maguire. Oh, and I love those two old Muppets that sit up in the balcony and heckle everyone. They are two very witty Muppets and you have to respect that!

My Blog

The Making of "Saphire Satin"

This is the step by step for my latest oil Painting. The painting is named, "Saphire Satin". The very first thing that I did was to find myself an awesome model. I found her when I met Nikii Swiss. Sh...
Posted by ♥Pin-up Artist Nicole♥ on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 05:19:00 PST

They Call The Wind Mariah

This is my latest painting. I am venturing into the world of airbrush and acrylics. I am really excited to be steping out of my comfort zone and to be trying something completely different. I am fortu...
Posted by ♥Pin-up Artist Nicole♥ on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 11:00:00 PST

My New Store!

To all my fans,  I have been very busy working on a lot of new projects that I will be telling you about over the next few months.  One of the most important is Giclee' reproductions.  ...
Posted by ♥Pin-up Artist Nicole♥ on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 09:24:00 PST

Gallery Show on the 13th of October

Ok, I am doing a Gallery show on the 13th of October at the Lunaray Design Studio in Costa Mesa. The address is 2777 S. Bristol Street E. Costa Mesa, Ca, 92626 The show is from 7 - 11pm I am going to ...
Posted by ♥Pin-up Artist Nicole♥ on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 04:35:00 PST

Painting is my life

Ok, so I do a lot of stuff in my day to day. I am a model, a writer, a reporter for Knockout Magazine, a Partner in a Multi Media company, I help produce MMA Fights for a company called INVINCIBLE and...
Posted by ♥Pin-up Artist Nicole♥ on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 12:33:00 PST

I need a literary agent.

Aside from drawing beautiful women, modeling and working for a Multi Media company, I also am in the process of writing a novel. Going along with my love of fantasy, I am writing a fantasy novel. I ne...
Posted by ♥Pin-up Artist Nicole♥ on Wed, 23 Aug 2006 12:20:00 PST