Markroel profile picture


Living life to the fullest

About Me

.. LaY baCk kinDa GuY, loOking foR a Go0d time. ChilLing with mY two best bUds FrO and JameS. EnJoying every secOnD oF LifE beCause thE the LOve Of my family, InCluding mY pRIncess Michelle, caNt forGet aboUt you. GeTting REady to gEt away fRom what holds me back the MoSt, tO start A neW life. COLleGe, HaHa! AnD loVing the oNe of the MoSt iMportant woMeN iN my LifE, MiSs EmIe RoMeo. ThAnk yOu fOr suPPorting me throughout EverYthing!

My Interests

Racing, FiXing up Maylee, WoRking on Carz, dancing, clubing, PaIntbalLing, just chilin with my fiends and family having a good time.

I'd like to meet:

Those who lOve to HaVe fuN, hanG ouT, DriNk, Party, and Just somEone to Chill with!



Rush HOur 2, OLd Sch00l, BAd boyZ 1 & 2, Anything JEt li, JaCkie ChaN, or Bruce LEe. WhiTe ChiCks, LoNgesT YaRd.


Smallville, Simpson, Drew Carey Show


DaVince CoDe, AnGels & DemOns


My Parents!

My one and only Mrs. Emie Romeo, no one encourages me to do great things in life as much as you do. I love you and thank you for everything you have done for me.