Racing, FiXing up Maylee, WoRking on Carz, dancing, clubing, PaIntbalLing, just chilin with my fiends and family having a good time.
Those who lOve to HaVe fuN, hanG ouT, DriNk, Party, and Just somEone to Chill with!
Rush HOur 2, OLd Sch00l, BAd boyZ 1 & 2, Anything JEt li, JaCkie ChaN, or Bruce LEe. WhiTe ChiCks, LoNgesT YaRd.
Smallville, Simpson, Drew Carey Show
DaVince CoDe, AnGels & DemOns
My Parents!
My one and only Mrs. Emie Romeo, no one encourages me to do great things in life as much as you do. I love you and thank you for everything you have done for me.