Food feeds my body and music feeds my soul. Without it I would be lost. My music taste ranges anywhere from 80's to Ska to Bluegrass to hardcore or punk to classical. I have favorite artists not genres. Some all time favorites are: Beatles/ Lennon The Cure Bowie Depeche Mode Blur Joy division/New Order TMBG THE CLASH Operation Ivy Specials Feist Less than jake Toasters Skalites Bad religion Damien Rice The Smiths Pretenders Police BoB Lee Perry Susan Vega Tori Amos Bjork P.J. Harvey U2, Duran duran:)the Crannberries, Cocteau Twins, Sugarcubes, Ani Difranco Kate Bush Johnny Cash Donovan Paul Simon B.B.King Chet Atkins & Les Paul P. Bensusan Nick Drake Miles Davis R. Shankar Loreena McKennit Billie Holiday Royksopp Frou Frou Massive Attack Tool NIN Smashing Pumpkins Interpol Faith no more Social Distortion Led Zeppelin Tortoise RHCP White Stripes CAke Coldplay Incubus Sublime Sonic Youth Madonna Fleetwood Mac U2 CCR Dave Matthews Keller Williams A. Newsome Pink Floyd The Chieftains Beethoven Chopin P. Glass P. Bensusan Louie Armstrong, Duke and many, many more...
The Neverending Story, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Princess Bride, Labyrinth, Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, Beetlejuice, Transpotting, Across the Universe, Death to Smoochy, Fight club, The Crow, Matrix, Slc Punk, Interview with a Vampire, V for Vendetta, Being John Malkovich, Dead Poets Society, Box of Moonlight, Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Dead, Little Miss Sunshine, August Rush, Life of David Gale, The Usual Suspects, Basketball Diaries, Swing Kids, Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, Everything is Illuminated, Life of Brian, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Indiana Jones Tril., SPACEballs, GOONies, Ground Hog Day, Trading Places, A Christmas Story, Coming to America, Hocus Pocus, I heart Huckabees, Napolean Dynomite, Snatch, JUmpin Jack Flash, Braveheart, Solarbabies, Serendipity, Bridget Jones diary, Truth about Cats and Dogs, Some Like It Hot, National Lampoons European and Christmas Vacation, Scrooged, Stage Beauty, It's a Wonderful Life, Horton Hears a Who:)anything by John Huges, Mel Brooks, and M. Night Shyamalan except Unbreakable, "no sir I don't like it", and of course...The Muppet movies,
Simpsons, Family Guy, Seinfeld, Coupling(UK), Scrubs, SNL, Mad TV, Grey's Anatomy, Project Runway, 30Rock, My name is Earl, The Muppet Show, The Office (American,and UK), Mythbusters,GLobetreker, NOVA, and anything else good on PBS, IFC,or BBC.
So far favorites... Anne Rice, Shakespeare, Christopher Moore, Shel Silverstien, Dr. Seuss, Ray Bradbury, Vonnegut, Dali Lama. Breakfast of Champions, Many Masters Many Lives, The Great Divorce, Frankenstein, The Phantom Tollbooth, Little Women, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Hidden messages in the water, Eat Pray Love, The Artists Way, Big Giant book of Naughy Limmericks:)...CURRENTLY READING: The Bhagavad-Gita by: Krishna:)? and THE FIELD(by: Lynne McTaggart)
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Jim Henson , The Dali Lama, “Jackie†an awe inspiring burn victim who taught me never to be superficial, shallow, and to see beauty where we are taught there is none. John Lennon, “Erock†(if you knew him you’d know why he’s on my list) Mother Teresa (for giving the Church Hell but being a lady about it, and for taking care of the ones we usually ignore while we’re too busy living our own lives), and my MOM… who died of cancer with a smile on her face and lived with an even bigger one.