Bustelo Kool "Your HIP-HOP expresso" profile picture

Bustelo Kool "Your HIP-HOP expresso"

I will be!!!!!!!!!!!

About Me

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Add to My Profile | More VideosThe Expresso of Hip-Hop is here... Bustelo Kool (also known as) LyphLakai Of Tampa Bay Florida is the wake up call the industry has been waiting for. He delivers a unique blend of Southern swagger and lyrical wit topped off with a twist of Latin. If you were to compare him and his sound you would have to look in the direction of a mix between Big Pun, Pit Bull, and The late Tupac Shakur. Bustelo not only gives the professional touch to his music, but as well as a performance to remember. LyphLakai is currently in the works on completing an up and coming release of his solo project. Working with in house producers and professional engineers the album is almost at its completion. Comprising of such tracks like "Middle of the season" which is in the process of potential rotation through out Sydney, Australia. Working online with promotions and club venues, Bustelo Kool has been moving forward an his attempt at super stardom. To understand his music is to understand him. His eccentric personality is not only felt in his songs but as well as in his presence. He grew up like any typical artist without a father, no parental guidance and poverty ridden. Falling into drugs and bad habits for a short time, he found light at the end of the tunnel when he was left to live in his car. With a notebook and pen he look to the only salvation he ever had, his music. While in the process of discovering a feel for the entertainment business Bustelo grew as an artist performing at many events with his group Feature Ink. Such as places like Ekard College, the Official after party of Wild Splash 2006, and showcasing at Def Jam Recording artist Junior's "Time to get paid" video shoot, not to mention making it to finals in the Bay area Idol contest held at the Palladium theater. He has been booked for gigs from Miami to Orlando with no intention on slowing down. Please take great measure in preparing yourself for a new sound not to mention a new voice in music. An artist not to be slept on, It's time to wake up to the double shot expresso of Hip-Hop...Bustelo Koolcontact: 727-712-7773 "727-768-9922"thekingdomlessking@yahoo.commyspace.com/bustel okool

My Interests


Member Since: 1/12/2006
Band Website: featureink.com
Band Members:













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Sounds Like: LYPHLAKAIFeature Ink Presents: Ridin Avenues

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Record Label: ?
Type of Label: None

My Blog

My Death

My death is indefinite;I will die one day;What day, what time;Specifics are not foretold;I know I am guaranteed one thing in my short run at life::DEATH:To die is inevitable;It's what I do in life tha...
Posted by Bustelo Kool "Your HIP-HOP expresso" on Mon, 07 May 2007 07:00:00 PST

My stage

My stage is what I make it.Can I stage my performance on how I perform on stage.If my stage is the world ,then who exactly will listen.If I surpass every stage in my life then what stage will I perfor...
Posted by Bustelo Kool "Your HIP-HOP expresso" on Mon, 07 May 2007 07:00:00 PST


Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to fly.If I could fly where would I go.Would I soar the seas or soar the land.I only wish I knew how it feels to fly.For now I'm stuck here with no knowledge.N...
Posted by Bustelo Kool "Your HIP-HOP expresso" on Mon, 07 May 2007 06:58:00 PST


When will I fall in love.Most of my time is spent thinking of this.A question I haven't the answer too.I see so many in love and their love is my envy.Will I find that woman that will complete my life...
Posted by Bustelo Kool "Your HIP-HOP expresso" on Mon, 07 May 2007 06:59:00 PST


Never give up hope, because the biggest dilemmas could turn out to be the smallest problem.
Posted by Bustelo Kool "Your HIP-HOP expresso" on Mon, 07 May 2007 06:57:00 PST

What do u do.

What do you do if the one thing you adore is to leave/?Do you yearn for the return/?Do you cry from the loss/?Do you try to go on/?How do you go on if there is no motivation to keep moving/?I don't un...
Posted by Bustelo Kool "Your HIP-HOP expresso" on Mon, 07 May 2007 06:57:00 PST

More than this

I imagine myself to be more of an existence then this/All I ask is for a wife, children, and a life worth living/I don't hate living life; I just hate the life I live!!!!Please forgive me for my inequ...
Posted by Bustelo Kool "Your HIP-HOP expresso" on Mon, 07 May 2007 06:56:00 PST