im not really interested in mush of anything right now. Music and people are what i am here for, so if you wanna talk go ahead. if not, whatever, i cant make you. have fun, and ill see you around.
i have a beautiful web page that i designed and wrote myself for this purpose alone. if you have read this far please take a sec and click
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i love all kinds of good music, excluding only ocuntry from the list of genres that i have heard. what i'm trying to say is if you need an icebreaker listen to some ska and tell me what you think. aside from that, if you wanna talk about anything musical, just fire off your opinion at me and ill do my best to look it up and talk with you abolut it. Also
movies have a kind of different spin. i am pursuing a career in writing/directing movies, and i will watch just about anything on film. also I analayze movies for director/proiducer techniques as well as camera work and soundwork and other things. please write me and tell me what you like on film and why, and ill try to chat with you about things
Changed!!!24, scrubs, futurama and cartoons of all sorts, family guy (not a cartoon, but a state of mind) seinfeld. that is about it.24 is amazing. definately look into it.
i like most fantasy, i stay away from pretty much anything else, but especially so for sensationalism and romance
Master chief from halo, ( he represents the self controlled killing machine i have always wanted to be.) and any martyr/revolutionary in time who did what they wanted to in the face of society. Riou from suikoden II and Hero 5 from suikoden V.