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Bad From Mi Born

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I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!


The Godfather, Scareface, The Craft, Transporter2, The Skulls, Belly, Shottas


Grey's Anatomy, Sex and the City, The Girls Next Door, Futurama, Family Guy, South Park, Flavor of Love,


A 200 Question Fun Survey 4 Myspace (All The Bzoink Surveys Put Together)
Full Name:: Yanique Shanniah R
Birthday:: March 30,1988
Birthplace:: Mandeville
Eye Color:: Dark Brown
Hair Color:: Red
Height:: 5''1'
Weight:: 124 lbs
Right handed or Left handed?: Right handed
Your Heritage::
My Worst Habit:: Biting my nails
Zodiac Sign:: Aries
Shoe Size:: 7
Pants Size:: 4 or 5
Innie or Outie?: ???????
Parents Still Together?: Nope
The Shoes You Wore Today:: sneakers
Your Weakness:: Having a bad temper
Your Fears:: High places
Your Perfect Pizza:: Lots of pineapple & cheese
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:: Start school
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger: ''ok''
Thoughts First Waking Up:: What was I dreaming about?
Your Best Physical Feature:: Not sure
Your Bedtime:: whenever I want it to be
Your Most Missed Memory::
Favorite color?: Black
Food?: Jerk chicken
Sport?: Hate sports
Animal?: None
Ice Cream?: cookies & cream
Candy?: Candy corn
Store?: Wal-mart
Salad Dressing?: None
Actor?: Angelina Jolie
Song?: Came back for you-lil kim
Number?: 14
Holiday?: Christmas
Season?: Summer
Toothpaste Flavor?: Mint
Radio Station?: Zip
Perfume?: Im allergic
Scent besides perfume?: Still allergic
Body part on the opposite sex?: lips
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?:
How Do You Want To Die?: In my sleep
Turn ons::
Turn offs::
Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You?: None, Im unique
Who's The Loudest?:
Who Makes You Laugh The Most?: Fayannie
Who Have You Known The Longest?: Michy
Who's The Shyist?: Michy
When Have You Cried The Most?: Cant talk about that
What Is The Best Feeling In The World?:
Worst Feeling?:
Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up?: Italy
If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be?: My shyness
How Long Do You Think You'll Live?: I might make it to age 50...lol
Let's walk on the: Beach
Let's look at the: Clothes
What a nice: Ring
Where did all the: money come from?
Why can't we: be together?
Silly, little: girl
Isn't it weird that: he hates to kiss
Never under any circumstance: will I sky dive
I wish: I could see the future
Everyone has a: razor
I am:
Been In Love?: Yes
Been To Juvie?: No
Mooned Someone?: Nope but thought about it
Been Rejected?: Yes
Ran Away From Home?: No
Pictured Your Crush Naked?: Yes
Skipped School?: Hummm.........
Thought About Suicide?: ?????
Slept Outside?: No
Laughed So Hard You Cried?: No
Cried In School?: Yes
Thrown Up In School?: No
Wanted To Be a Model?: Yes
Cheated On Someone?: Yes
Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today?: Yes
Seen A Dead Body?: No
Been Bitched Out?: No
Drank Alcohol?: Yes
Smoked?: Yes
Been On Drugs?: It depends.....
Eaten Sushi?: Hell no
Been On Stage?: Yes
Gone Skinny Dipping?: Yes
Shoplifted?: No
Been Drunk?: Yes
Been Called A Tease?: Yes
Been Beaten Up?: Not yet
Swear?: Sometimes
Sing Well?: No
Shower Daily?: Yes
Want To Go To College?: Yes
Want To Get Married?: Yes
Believe In Yourself?: Sometimes
Get Motion Sickness?: Yes
Think You Are Attractive?: On my good days-Yes
Get Along With Your Parents?: What parents? just kidding yeah
Like Thunderstorms?: No
Play An Instrument?: Used to
Own An IPOD?: No
Pray?: Yeah
Go To Church?: Sometimes
Sleep With Stuffed Animals?: No
Keep A Journal/Diary?: Yes
Dance In The Rain?: No
Sing In The Shower?: Yes
Pepsi or Coke?: Pepsi
McDonald's or Burger King?: McD's
Single or Group Dates?: Single
Chocolate or Vanilla?: Vanilla
Strawberries or Blueberries?: Strawberries
Meat or Veggies?: Meat
TV or Movie?: TV
Guitar or Drums?: Drums
Adidas or Nike?: Nike
Chinese or Mexican?: None
Cheerios or Corn Flakes?: Corn flakes
Cake or Pie?: Cake
MTV or VH1?: VH1
Blind or Deaf?: None
Boxers or Briefs?: Boxers
Do The Splits?: no
Write With Both Hands?: No
Whistle?: No
Blow A Bubble?: Yes
Roll Your Tongue In A Circle?: I think
Cross Your Eyes?: Yeah
Walk With Your Toes Curled?: No
Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose?: No
Dance?: No
Eat Whatever You Want And Not Worry?: Yes
You Touched:: Me
You Talked To On The Phone:: Russian
You Instant Messaged:: Michy
You Hugged:: My sister
You Yelled At:: My sister
You Played A Sport With:: I dont do that
Time You Laughed?: 2hrs ago
Time You Cried?: 2 weeks ago
Movie You Watched?: Pride
Flavor Of Gum You Chewed?: Mint
Joke You Told?: Dont normally tell jokes
Song You've Sung?:
Where Are You?: In my room
What Can You See Out Your Window?: Darkness
Are You Listening To Music?: no
What Are You Wearing?: Oversized T-shirt
What's On Your Mousepad?: nothing
Do you believe there is life on other planets?: Nope
Do you believe in miracles?: Not really
Magic?: Kinda
Love at first sight?: Hell no
God?: Yes
Satan?: ????
Ghosts?: ????
Santa?: no
Evolution?: ??????
Fav Eye Color:: any
Fav Hair Color:: any
Short or Long Hair:: any
Height:: any
Weight:: under 300lbs
Best Clothing Style::
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit?: Italy
Number Of CD's I Own:: 30
Your Good Luck Charm:: Pentacle pendant
How many pillows do you sleep with?: 1 or none
Do you drink milk?: its been awhile
Person You Hate Most::
Most Outdated Phrase:: That's the bomb!
Do you think God has a gender?: No
Where do you think we go when we die?: ????
How many rings until you answer the phone?: 2
What is something scientists need to invent?: ????
Are you a health freak?: not really
Are you a virgin?: ????
If you could travel into space, where would you go?: there is nowhere to go
What is the worst weather?: rain,wind
Did you play with Barbies as a child?: I cut their hair
How many grades have you failed?: none
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