Docu-Monkey 2006
Journey 2006 -In the months leading up to the summer of 2006, the Puzzle worked furiously to redefine its mission. Ever evolving, the little tribe of Monkey’s toiled diligently in the lab, plotting their next coup to heroically capture the hearts and imagination of the world. It’s become clear that the chemistry of dome mischief, burn barrel magic and a few chattering sexy chimps has tremendous potential to produce a powerful or even explosive intoxicant…The July 2006: Monkey Odyssey show - and execution of its 4th Burning Man theme camp a few weeks later – were equally classic demonstrations of the esprit de corps for which the tribe has come to be known. Using those experiences as a backdrop, this unprecedented documentary film offers a brief peek at the inner workings of the Monkey Puzzle tribe and exposes a few of the tricks they’ve mastered on how to inspire community through the artwork that is their lives.Editing and Interviews: Spirit Monkey Cameras: Kevee,Piepo,Spirit,Zap,Daflew Music: BreakBeat Buddha, Random Rab, Nokturnal