Kama profile picture


She's dead, Jim

About Me

"Be the change you want to see in the world" ~ Ghandi
Music, writing, exploring the unknown (internal, universal), volunteering and my two little boys are my greatest passions. My life is a strange balancing act between Mommy, Tech Geek (aka software Product Manager), Amazon Goddess, Promoter, Nocturnal Creature, Eternal Student and Basic Freak of Nature.
Music is what fills me and nourishes my soul. I am very blessed to have many talented people in my life. Brightest of which is Peter DiStefano .
Peter is an amazing man and such an inspiration! He introduced me to CHLA (Children's Hospital LA) and The Art of Elysium where we volunteer our time and his talent to bring a little music and sunshine to children in the hospital. Peter and I also have worked with the ABC Trust - benefitting Brazil's orphaned, sick and lost children. The Trust was founded by Jimena and Jimmy Page.
Outside of music, my soul seeks guidance and light from volunteer work. In addition to The Art of Elysium and the ABC Trust, I also volunteer with the YMCA/ARK program in OC, working with kids in foster care from abused homes.
Another obsession is Art and Creativity for Healing in Laguna Niguel. They offer art classes and seminars to adults, teens and children suffering from abuse, illness, grief or stress, helping them to express and process their feelings using color and motion on canvas.
Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile
Albert Einstein

More amazing musicians I work with, know, admire, stalk ...
John Koviak
Scotty Lund
Simple Shelter
Erok and Pete
Vito DiStefano
Peter Sean Maloney
Mary P Domhan
As for the ID: I love Art, dancing, Goth clubs, velvet, sci-fi, deep-dark-bass lines, philosophy, chocolate, hot tea and conversation, jasmine, roadtrips, the ocean, silence, chaos, B-movies, old horror films, Vincent Price, Bela Lugosi, Marlene Dietrich, pinstripes, astronomy, long walks on short piers, peanutbutter and jelly, cooking, baking, playing SnuggleBunny, writing (prose, lyrics, fiction), learning - though I can't sit still in a classroom environment. I'm a vegetarian but don't try to convert the carnies in my life (meat-eaters or circus folk ;).
Things I could do without: 'Dubya', inaction, masked intentions, narrow minds, okra.
You scored as Dante Alighieri. According to you most of humanity will spend at least some of their afterlife in hell. You have a high likelihood of being exiled, but anyone as bloody fucking romantic as you deserves what they get. You have an exceptional moral code, overshadowed by the fact that you yourself cannot uphold it.Your existence bears a definite irony, although of fairly Christian morality, many pagans, satanists, communists, and intellectuals admire you and your works for all the wrong reasons.Also, the brighest star in your sky is never going to be your lover...It takes a lot of grief to be the cartographer of hell.

Dante Alighieri


C.G. Jung


Friedrich Nietzsche


Stephen Hawking


Miyamoto Musashi


Steven Morrissey


Jesus Christ


Sigmund Freud


Mother Teresa


Adolf Hitler


Elvis Presley


Charles Manson


O.J. Simpson


Hugh Hefner

What Pseudo Historical Figure Best Suits You?
created with QuizFarm.com
You Are Edward From "Edward Scissorhands."
You are very shy and often misunderstood. Innocent, sweet, and artistic, you like to pass your days by daydreaming and expressing yourself through the arts. You are a truly unique individual. Unfortunately, you are quite lonely, and few people truly understand you.
Take The Johnny Depp Quiz!
You Are the Swedish Chef

"Bork! Bork! Bork!"
You're happy and energetic - with borderline manic tendencies.
No one really gets you. And frankly, you don't even get you.
But, you sure can whip up a great chocolate mousse
The Muppet Personality Test

My Interests

What are you goddess of?
You are the Goddess of Night. You are much differant than the Goddess of Darkness, you are beautiful and full of passion and life, but you often stay locked inside yourself. Chances are that you're a poet or other artist, and create beautiful works. Some people are drawn to you and others perceive you as a freak, but don't listen to what others have to say, just listen to yourself. You have a passion for words and chances are you love Shakespere and the like. You want to surround yourself with people who accept but often feel like nobody likes you, but remember that's not true, and you have a lot to offer, just believe in yourself. As for love, you are either too trusting or you trust no one. Guys are stupid, unless you find one that will see you for who you really are and not how others percieve you. You tend to either one extreme or the other, hardley ever in the middle. Just listen to yourself and you will go far. Rock On
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You Are From Mercury
You are talkative, clever, and knowledgeable - and it shows.
You probably never leave home without your cell phone!
You're witty, expressive, and aware of everything going on around you.
You love learning, playing, and taking in all of what life has to offer.
Be careful not to talk your friends' ears off, and temper your need to know everything. What Planet Are You From?

You Are Indigo
Of all the shades of blue, you are the most funky, unique, and independent.
Expressing yourself and taking a leap of faith has always been easy for you. What Color Blue Are You?

Your Birthdate: April 27
You are a spiritual soul - a person who tries to find meaning in everything.
You spend a good amount of time meditating, trying to figure out life.
Helping others is also important to you. You enjoy social activities with that goal.
You are very generous and giving. Yet you expect very little in return.

Your strength: Getting along with anyone and everyone

Your weakness: Needing a good amount of downtime to recharge

Your power color: Cobalt blue

Your power symbol: Dove

Your power month: September What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

Which Magical Order Are You In?
You are a Spiritualist. Your magic flows from the primal forces of the cosmos. You could be a gentle Healer, a miraculous Prophet or a spirit-summoning War-mage with the strong link your soul provides to the realms beyond reality. You have preternatural abilities, intutively sensing the personality of people you meet and discerning events yet to happen. You enhance your aura with meditative pursuits. You are a good judge of character but your idealism or morality can confuse others.
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"Life loves to be taken by the lapel and told 'I am with you, kid. Let's go!'" ~Maya Angelou

Your Life Path Number is 3
Your purpose in life is to express your unique self.

You are a creative and artistic person with an interesting view on life.
Witty and outgoing, you enjoy sharing your crazy ideas with anyone who will listen.
A total social butterfly, you're the life of any party.

In love, you inspire and enchant your partner. You are often an object of fantasy and desire.

While you are very talented, you sometimes lack the ambition to put your talents in play.
And while your wit carries you a long way, you occasionally use it to mask your true feelings.
Your natural abilities can bring you all the success in the world ... if you let them What Is Your Life Path Number?

You Are a Rainbow
Breathtaking and rare
You are totally enchanting and intriguing
But you usually don't stick around long!

You are best known for: your beauty

Your dominant state: seducing What Type of Weather Are You?

??Which colour of Death is yours??
GREEN, Your death's colour is Green. Death of the mind. Your heart is isolated within your mind. You seek knowledge. You are very rare.
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which major arcana of the thoth tarot deck are you? short, with pictures and detailed results
HERMIT"the meditator, philosopher, sage, wise man"You can not and will not compromise your values and have a desire to complete past things before begining the new (you value completion, perfection, and introspection highly). You are a natural way-shower, sage, and seeker. You have an appreciation of the body and the wisdom of the earth and its natural process. You have a deep love for beauty, harmony, and order.
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I'd like to meet:

Passionate beings eager to express and explore the pain and beauty of the human experience. Q! SPOCK! Count Chocula, Jim Carroll, David Bowie, Christopher Walken, Angelina Jolie, goths, nerds, geeks, dorks, freaks, pyros (starters of external/internal fires), cat-people, dog-people, undead and the occassional humanoid.

Bill Gates ... Sex Kitten!

This is my grandmother, Alma Rose Kakoska (left) and my Great Aunt Esther (right) in the 1940's - Miss Lynwood contestants :). My Grandmother, Alma, died years before I was born. I'd love to have met her. Esther just turned 80 :)


Peter Murphy, Bauhaus

Peter DiStefano, David Bowie

Wolfsheim, Gary Numan

The Point of Reflection

Goth, Industrial, Blues, Mercan Dede

Mozart, swing, X

Sub Version

Alice Cooper, Fun Boy Three, Queen, T-Rex

A Perfect Circle, Killing Joke, TOOL, Belle and Sebastian, Tom Waits

The Section Quartet, The Point of Reflection, Johnny Cash

Shriekback, Yaz, Porno for Pyros, Devo

Willie Nelson, The Cramps

Nina Hagen, Henry Rollins, Henry Mancini, NIN,

Klaus Nomi, Gang of Four, KMFDM, Soft Cell, Psychadelic Furs, Portishead

Dead Can Dance, Siouxsie, Depeche Mode, Rob Zombie, Sisters of Mercy

...anything that moves me...


The Matrix movies

Star Trek NG movies

Nightmare Before Christmas, Bubba Ho-Tep

Evil Dead, Four Rooms, Batman Begins

anything w Lugosi or Vincent Price, The Hunger, Amelie

Underworld, Young Frankenstein, Shadow of the Vampire, Zorro the Gay Blade, DeathRace 2000

Arsenic and Old Lace, City of Lost Children, Pirates of the Caribbean, Best in Show, The Cook The Thief His Wife and Her Lover, Monty Python movies, The Crow

Desparado, From Dusk till Dawn, 'Dead' movies, old horror films, B movies, I Shot Andy Warhol, Sci-Fi (the amazing and dirt-cheap budgets!), Amadeus, Addams Family movies
Guilty pleasures: Eating Raoul

EuroTrip, Smokey and the Bandit, Elmo in Grouchland, 9 to 5, Friday.


StarTrek: Next Generation

Alias, 24, Doctor Who

Batman (Adam West series), UltraMan

Iron Chef (have you seen the Yam battle? lol)

The Tick, Match Game, Max Headroom!

Twilight Zone, Monty Python, Family Guy, In Search Of...


Anything Sci-Fi, Blood Music, Kurt Vonnegut, From Socrates to Sartre, books of meditations, the occult, road maps to my psyche and soul... I'm always looking for something new.


Vincent Price

The Tick


Peter DiStefano

Danny Elfman

Most truly, my heroes are my boys and myself

My Blog

Christmas 07 pictorial

Hello bright souls! I hope this holiday season has shown you love, kindness and warmth beyond your dreams. We had a rough start but here is evidence our blessings out-weigh our hardships. Santa Arthur...
Posted by Kama on Thu, 27 Dec 2007 11:06:00 PST


Worry a little bit every day and in a lifetime you will lose a couple of years. If something is wrong, fix it if you can. But train yourself not to worry. Worry never fixes anything.~ Mary HemingwayYe...
Posted by Kama on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 10:35:00 PST


Kama's Personal Card: (Per Tarot.com) Temperance This Deck: Palladini General Meaning: What is traditionally known as the Temperance card is a reference to the Soul. Classically female, she is mixing ...
Posted by Kama on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 11:59:00 PST

Moving soon... need help! ~More details

I'll be moving Sept 15 and 16 (Saturday and Sunday) and looking for able bodies to help load and unload.  Sat will be getting loaded ;) and Sunday will be unloading.  Cold beverages and food...
Posted by Kama on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 04:21:00 PST

The ex Factor

Hello, gentle readers. Submitted for your approval, ponderance and midnight snacking... The Ex.  We all have them.  Some are no more a thought than what we had for lunch the 2nd Saturday of ...
Posted by Kama on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 07:12:00 PST

Only in LA...

As you know (or know now) my new employment takes me to a very swank part of Santa Monica. The company holds office in prime real estate at the Water Garden Towers...It's gorgeous here. Home to medi...
Posted by Kama on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 12:44:00 PST

Oh those quizzes...

Posted by Kama on Sat, 19 May 2007 05:46:00 PST

This is a fine how-do-you-do...

So, for the last two days I've been wallowing in self pity and grumblyness since being laid off (or employment liberated?) two weeks ago.  No joke, I've applied to 75 job postings ...
Posted by Kama on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 03:25:00 PST

Which Dead Rock Star am I?

I'm out of work for 2 weeks and this is all I got to show for it? More to come :)...>Which Dead Rock Star Are You? (pics) Jeff BuckleyYou are Jeff Buckley! You're influential to many young and old, a...
Posted by Kama on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 04:33:00 PST

Who told you you were naked, anyway?

Reposting a bulletin from: SENSEI*********************************E-Mail from God You keep obsessing aboutwhat you haven't yet become....And I keep on praisingwhat you alreadyare.For heaven's sake, wh...
Posted by Kama on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 11:52:00 PST