You will never know enough about me, but if you care, this page will help.
I'd say that you wouldn't even want to know me, and if you did you'd be sorry, but that would only make you want to know me more. I could turn out to be the most wonderful person you ever met, or you could dread the day you pushed that button. It's your call.
"It requires twenty years for man to rise from the vegetable state in which he is within his mother's womb, and from the pure animal state which is the lot of his early childhood, to the state when the maturity of reason begins to appear. It has required thirty centuries to learn a little about his structure. It would need eternity to learn something about his soul. It takes an instant to kill him. "
"One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star."
-Friedrich Nietzche
"There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it."
-Oscar Wilde
"Conversation should be pleasant without scurrility, witty without affectation, free without indecency, learned without conceitedness, novel without falsehood."
-William Shakespeare