I love massages, but never get them. Love to write, but don't do it enough. Joke, but not offend. Learn, and then teach to make it more real for myself. Explore to know why I am who I am. I'm a giver, but I don't give up. I'm old fashioned, before my time, and beyond me years. I'm a lover and a fighter. Abstract, yet a linear thinker. Driven, ambitious, and like to take people with me where I'm going. I have a very outgoing, personable, dynamic and eclectic personality. I love style in general. I'm constantly challenging myself to be better at what I already do and find new projects to begin. For thrills I play pool, Sky Dive, Bungee Jump, drive over the speed limit, Rock Climb, Hike, and take a joke past being funny into being ridiculous!I have very different crowds of people I associate with, and then I host parties to connect my circles. I love to entertain, have dinner parties, cook ethnic foods and fine dining. My favorite foods are seafood and are spicy. Thai, Ethiopian, and Filipino foods are my favorite.I've been dancing as long as I can remember. I was always the guy who had a partner and a routine choreographed for school dances. Now, I teach Hip Hop, Jazz, Modern, and Lyrical for a local studio. I tried out for So You Think You Can Dance and got pretty far, but not well enough to be recognized.I love traveling, learning languages and learning of cultures. I speak Tagalog (Filipino), and Spanish (somewhat). I've been a snowboarder, but I think this year I'm gonna make a switch to ski's. I used to be in the Air Force until a few months ago. I used to manage an Information Technology customer service desk for a medical group and loved it. I happily served when Operation Iraqi Freedom launched. Now, I'm a full time Senior going for a Business Management degree. Also work full time as an Information Technologist. I'm Quad-Racial: Black, Filipino, Spanish, and Native American. Anything else you wanna know, just ask.
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. a return to love - marianne williamson
John Legend, Maxwell, Alicia Keys, Beyonce, Desperation Band, Kanye West, Gavin Degraw, Rob Thomas, Mariah Carey, Bette Mitler, Ricky Fante, Jay-Z, Grits, David Crowder, Natasha Bedingfield, Third Eye Blind, Maroon 5, Michael Jackson, Janet Jackson, Aaliyah, U2, Madonna, Foolish Things, Aaron Shust.
Kanye West - Jesus Walks
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Crash, Batman Beginning, Forest Gump, Stand By Me, Without A Paddle, Dave Chapelle Seasons 1 & 2, White Chicks, Mean Girls, The Debut, Hella Pinoy, What's Love Got to Do With It?, Color Purple, Tommy Boy, 50 First Dates, Napoleon Dynamite, Boomerang, Coming to America, The Incredibles, Lion King (the musical is even better), X-Men, Slackers, Buying the Cow, Tomcats, Van Wilder, London, Cellular.
Smallville, So You Think You Can Dance, Will & Grace, Friends, Scrubs, Star Trek Voyager, and Golden Girls (it still cracks me up).Find Myspace Layouts at www.layoutvault.com
Find Myspace Graphics at www.glittervault.com
The Holy Bible, The Purpose Driven Life, Secrets of the Vine, Prayer of Jaybez, The Pursuit of God, Grace for the Moment, Prayer, Plain Vanilla Wrapper, The Pursuit of Holiness, Heart Ablaze, The Three Kingdoms, In the Meantime, Spiritual Leadership, Strength In Weakness
Jesus, the fam, Superman, and Captain Janeway.How does God fulfill our ultimate longing? He does so in many ways: by being the perfect fit for our very nature, by satisfying our longing for interpersonal relationship, by being in his omniscience the end to our search for knowledge, being in his infinite being the refuge from all fear, by being in his holiness the righteousness ground of our quest for justice, by being in his infinite love the cause of our hope for salvation, by being in his infinite creativity both the source of creative imagination and the ultimate beauty we seek to reflect as we ourselves create