Boycott Schumacher Furs profile picture

Boycott Schumacher Furs


About Me

Schumacher Furs is the biggest fur retailer in Portland, Oregon.
They also claim to be the oldest furrier family
in the United States, having opened in 1895.Though fur has become unfashionable and unneccesary, they continue to profit off of the pain and slaughter of innocent animals. Portland animal lovers boycott Schumachers every Saturday at 12:30. They have been met with the acceptance of most of the community, and the hatred of Schumacher Furs. Employees at Schumachers have given the protestors death threats, assaulted them, spat at them, and even wrote 'ALF' on their own window in butter and attemped to blame the protestors (though the majority of those who protest Schumachers are vegan and would never even touch butter) Join us every Saturday at 12:30 at
Schumacher Furs:
811 SW Morrison
Portland, OR
Don't live in the Portland area?
Feel free to give them a short and
"sweet" phone call, telling them your feelings on fur!(503) 222-4596

My Interests

Mark Schumacher is Secretary for the Fur Information Council of America (FICA). The information that FICA doesn't give you is that every year, 40 million animals are murdered for their fur, though alternatives to real fur already exist. They don't tell you that animals are killed in brutal and painful ways such as anal electrocution, suffocation, drowning, trapping, neck breaking, and even skinning them alive.Mark Schumacher received a letter in protest from a 6th grader and replied with a letter filled with lies, illogical bible references, and other innacuracies. You can read the letter here:
If you have any questions on what exactly is untrue in the above letter, feel free the ask.

I'd like to meet:

Schumacher Furs has admitted purchasing fur and fur products from China, where, as undercover footage has revealed, domestic cats and dogs are being bred or stolen, killed, skinned, and sold as fur or fur trim in the United States.
Schumachers supports this cruel industry and has been informed of the Chinese cat and dog fur trade but continues to sell Chinese fur because it is cheaper than fur that comes from American fur farms and trappers. To see the undercover video about
the Chinese cat and dog fur trade, CLICK HERE .This is how the dogs in China are
transported before their slaughter for fur:

Chinese Fur Farm investigation:


FUR FARMING:Animals on fur farms are kept in tiny spaces, usually outdoors in all kinds of weather. They are rarely fed or given water. Animals on fur farms feel the stress of having to live in such a tiny and cramped environment and often show signs of insanity, such as pacing or cannibalizing their cagemate.
Ranch-raised foxes are kept in cages only 2.5 feet square (minks in cages 1-foot-by-3-feet), with up to four animals per cage.FUR RAPPING:Animals can languish in traps for days. Up to 1 out of every 4 trapped animals escapes by chewing off his or her own feet, only to die later from blood loss, fever, gangrene, or predation.
To kill the animals without damaging their fur, trappers usually strangle, beat, or stomp them to death. Animals on fur farms may be gassed, electrocuted, poisoned with strychnine, or have their necks snapped. These methods are not 100 percent effective and some animals "wake up" while being skinned.


Schumacher Furs also sells Karakul Fur, which is the fur taken from newborn or fetal lambs. Karakul Sheep are continuously impregnated and their lambs are killed within three days of birth, when their fur is still in its fetal form of tight, soft curls. For the fur of fetal lambs, the pregnant sheep are slaughtered and the fetal lambs are taken and killed. Karakul fur is the most expensive of all types in the fur industry, as it can take hundreds of lambs to make one fur coat.