Emma profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

So...it's official, I'm am now a grown up, living on my own and taking on DC. The next two years of my life are going to be dedicated to grad school and learning how to parallel park. Now that I've relocated y'all have to come visit me in my tiny little apartment. But watch out, soon I'll be saving that world and traveling to developing countries once again. :)

My Interests

I love to travel and learn new cultures and languages, but life wouldn't be life without dancing. I like chilling with friends in Bmore and DC and every once in a while the 'Cuse, watching movies, reading, dark coffee, Italian food, actually just eating in general, I like that, mango margaritas, being some place warm and being by the water, or in the water. I can't live without a dog in my life. I love music and going to shows, although I haven't been to many in a while...and I like chilling with my favorite cousin, who, along with Beth, made me join myspace.

I'd like to meet:

I would like to keep connected with old and new friends from all over since it seems like I don't stay in one place for too long.


A lil bit of everything. Everything from Beatles, Doors and Zeppelin to Fiona Apple. Ani and Erykah Badu to The Roots, Talib Kweli and Oukast and of course...Justin Timberlake...you know you like him too :)


I am Sam, What Dreams May Come, Alice in Wonderland, Silence of the Lambs, Seven, anything with Muppets in it, The Royal Tenenbaums, Zoolander, Run Lola Run, and many many more...


I don't really watch T.V. so much, just flip through a few channels and get addicted to those cop shows my parents watch when they're on


The Poisonwood Bible and anything by Barbara Kingsolver, The Secret Life of Bees, I like Toni Morrison, Harry Potter, Eat Pray Love, Mary Called Magdalene, The Bible and of course, Alice in Wonderland


My cousin...Johnny Goot, not really, but he's Adam Carr's hero so that's got to count for something right?!?