Vile the corpse grinder profile picture

Vile the corpse grinder

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

No one really knows the C.W. murphy I assume the C.W. stands for Cunt Waffle though................ I'm a punk rocker from Wisconsin, I like womens, SUGAR!! , horror movies, loud fast music, I am the was vocalist for The Dutch Ovens. Now I'm working on my new project that has no name as of yet, I write songs...they suck.. I don't drink that much, I don't like crackheads...I like titties. for a while I lived in very Boring small town and there is pretty much only dumb hillbillys that live there. I live in middleton in september, I've got animation courses to take there next fall. yeah i'll be 24 & starting college but not everyone is just handed this shit, I've worked & am still working as hard as I can to get there. I'm a loser and that's cool I gotta live with that. I'm not a angry or violent person..but I'm not the type to fuck with..I like Taco's & tattoo's there so expensive(not tacos) .. I'm not to into dog's but I really like this is way longer then it's ever been I must be dream job is to run a freakshow..It would be the best ever.. I dont like chicken..I like grilled cheese ha! can you tell i'm a fat kid. I am having a baby in Feb with my girlfriend Amber...I love them both very much

My Interests

Punk Rock Music, Mickey's 40oz., Asian culture, womens, Like to watch skateboarding I suck, i like tattoos and pain, oi! music, short girls, girls in skirts, girls in light green, Fat tittites, Japanese Girls, Cats, Spiders, other ammminals, Horror, digital hardcore/japanese noise/thrashcore/punk rock, Comic books, roller girls, writing, picking people apart, I like anything that blows my mind and makes me think, The Uknown, the history of the world & where it's been, I've always seem to remember the most pointless stuff while forgetting the important stuff.

I'd like to meet:

The FireEating Midget Pete Poobah Terhurne (my only hero)///////////////////////////////////////////////// ,little girls from horrorwood, Glenn Danzig, Lloyd Kaufmen(sp) of TROMA! trey parker,matt stone, Joe Bob Briggs (because he's the shit) ..... Http:// Shocker! for soldiers, prostitutes, & horrorpunks FOOLISH GRIEF ------------- When the time has come to finally say goodbye And you don't even know the reason why Just be glad that you're free There's plenty more fish in the sea It's time to turn a new leaf And end this game of foolish griefI know it's so hard to forget about the past But why bother when it didn't even last? Things will never be the same If you play a child's game It's time to turn a new leaf And rid yourself of foolish griefFoolish grief Foolish grief Foolish grief Foolish griefI'm talking 'bout foolish grief You better stop all your cryin'


Clint Howard & the Kempsters, Glen And The Pap Smears, Lurkers, peter & the test tube babys, Harry DingleBerry & the Dumpster Divers, Toxic Narcotic, Bickley, Discharge, Riot Squad, Adicts, Bad Brains, Misfits, Dwarves, Dickies, Dead Milkmen, Danzig, At The Gates, 2 Left Shoes, Oxymoron, Caustic Uproar, Sidekicks (SF), old rancid, early greenday, early unwritten law, GWAR, bloodhound gang, Menace, Vice Squad, Self Destruct,Kittie, The Dutch Ovens, Jimmies Chicken Shack, Fear Factory, BALZAC, Marcy Playground, Ramones, My Dying Bride, Boy Kicks Girl, ZeKe,National Guard, Casual Ties, early 311, Deadly Nightshade, GG ALLIN, Luna Chicks, DEVOTCHKAS, Early MxPx, Mad Capsule Markets, Butch Walker, Circle Jerks, GBH, MDC, Cobra, the Virus, ATR, Fatlip, TribeCalledQuest, KMK, ICP, old Unseen, Sixer, DVDA!, Schlong, Op Ivy, MADNESS, Metallica's 1st 3 albums, Mad Rats, The Cars, D.R.I., LAbRats, Straight Faced, Black Flag, Specials,Mourning Noise, Braineaters, Beerzone, Anti-nowhere leauge.............



Dead Alive!, Zombie, Living Dead Movies, Troma!, How High, Dirtywork, Fun, The Bad Seed, Carnival of Souls, House Of Wax (vincent Price), Nightmare on elm street, Pumpkin Head, Dirty cop no doughnut, Bad Lieutenant, Ice Cream Man, Basket Case, Clerks, Johnny Got His Gun, I'm gunna get you sucka, Atom Age Vampire, I Spit On Your Grave, Last House On The Left, Girls That Do Double Dongs, Double Dragon, Tool Box Murders......I dont have time to list them all most 1930's-80's horror movies you know the ones that you know are fake because that's the point. I mean they try to make all the movies these days "real or beliveable" well fuck I can go do stuff real & belivable..I want something Fucked, crazy & out of this world.


I dont watch rot's the brains, makes your eyes bad, brainwashes the masses, and this..get that..bullshit bullshit bullshit
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COMIC'S!!!! sivler & golden age horror comics, Harley Quinn , Old ghost rider, not THOR, Captain America can eat a bowl of dicks


.. width="425" height="350" .. .. width="425" height="350" .. Cynthia Briseno

My Blog

your all lame

I know it's a really shitty time to have a baby shower but it seems like ambers friends are being pretty damn shitty now showing to her baby shower...thats really fuckin homo of all of them. good job ...
Posted by Vile the corpse grinder on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 06:22:00 PST

Music to my lifes movie

Your Life: The Motion Picture SoundtrackOpening Credits:Rat Race- The Specials Waking up:Let The Day Begin - Samhain Average Day:I dont Like Mondays - Boomtown Rats Seeing Your Crush:There Goes my Gir...
Posted by Vile the corpse grinder on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 12:11:00 PST


got this clot that says that i can't do a thing,and it kills me that what i love i can't mind is torn,my life is smashed up.and i know it's right and i feel it's time to kill...i'm in panic beca...
Posted by Vile the corpse grinder on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 07:00:00 PST


remind myself to forget about my future for a bit and have some fucking fun right now
Posted by Vile the corpse grinder on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 11:42:00 PST

Ash has moved

ash is now a resident of ambers house being as he can do alot more and I am always at ambers anyway (yep stuck up her ass like everyone says), I think he' starting to adjust rather fast plus he's got ...
Posted by Vile the corpse grinder on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 10:26:00 PST

no fingers in my butt..nothing in mybutt for that matter

update....I work in shipping for a printer supply's alright cause I dont gotta be there til I need to get approved for a credit card so I can buy a new computer one well eno...
Posted by Vile the corpse grinder on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 12:54:00 PST

doot da doot ta duh daaa dot

I feel tricked, I feel akward...maybe it will pass...I hope she reconsiders....its not alright...or is it....back to step 1 and that would have been alright it it didnt become ,ore now i'll always wan...
Posted by Vile the corpse grinder on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 07:40:00 PST

my name is Vile & i'm here for your skull

I'm bored and need to brush my teeth yep, Halloween is coming & I'm pretty excited cause the party Might not be lame and even if it is at least I'll get to see my freinds & we can always go so...
Posted by Vile the corpse grinder on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 02:48:00 PST

little blog

so yeah my job situation really sucks right now I work at target & the pay is shit & the job is boring there's nothing to do alot of the time & that makes the day drag on forever so I'm st...
Posted by Vile the corpse grinder on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 09:42:00 PST

more words

Mood Killer dont talk..dont talk..your fucking our relationship upso dont talkdont talk no way dont talk..dont talk..your fucking our relationship upso dont talklets fuck today Get an apothecary caus...
Posted by Vile the corpse grinder on Sat, 02 Sep 2006 01:51:00 PST