Hype-R profile picture


where am i???

About Me

i'm pretty much a dork...started life in hawaii a while back...actually, a long whiles back i guess. now i live in northern cali...well, some of the time. i travel way too much for work...this means i'm never home (in cali that is). i guess that's why i've sort of lost touch with a some of my good friends. oh well, at least it gives me a chance to experience many new things...meet new people...and most of all, try new food!!!and...i've tried a LOT of new types of foods over the past few trips...stuff most ppl would never touch... _anyways...so yeah...that's me...by the way, i'm really a JOATMON too...heh...just ask if you don't know...
my other page (friendster)
my cyworld page (korean website)

My current work schedule:
--- ~ 5/16: San Jose, CA
5/16 ~ 5/21: Phoenix, AZ
5/21 ~ 6/3: San Jose, CA
6/3 ~ 6/6: Austin, TX
6/??? ~ 7/???: Portland, OR
7/9 ~ 7/13: Seattle, WA
6/09~???: Dalian, China

My Interests


me in turn 3 at thunderhill raceway in northern california...

chris and i going into turn 3 at thunderhill raceway...

ryan following me down the infamous corkscrew at laguna seca...

king street cafe...

DK and his family visiting san jose from korea...and me and jen... =)

korea feb/mar/apr 06 pics...

in tokyo (april 06)...

at Qvo in hongdae (seoul):

apkujungdong, seoul, korea:

nightclubbin, seoul, korea:

rock and roll bar, apkujungdong, korea

W hotel, seoul, watching the world cup korea game

my bday in seoul, 2007

new year's in hong kong!!!

the old roomies hanging out in hawaii

seoul, korea (apkujung-dong @ a new club called circle)

at D&B in milpitas

at some benefit thing in SF

at kangnam in seoul, south korea...

good times...(hong kong 07)

good times...(in china)

I'd like to meet:

anyone that can make me laugh or smile...or introduce me to new things and new foods...
Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net


is what i listen to in my car when i'm driving...or on my mp3 player when i'm working out...


are what i watch when i go to the movie theater...or what i watch while on the plane...


it's the thing i watch when i'm home...it's also that big thing in my hotel room facing the bed...


are those things with a lot of words in them...although, sometimes they have pictures in them too...


danger mouse...he's the greatest super hero in the world!!! ..

My Blog

gummy bear...LOL

Posted by Hype-R on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 09:15:00 PST

my travel plans...

since so many people are asking me what my travel plans are, here's my itinerary for the up coming months:sept 14 - phoenix to san josesept 15 - san jose to las vegassept 17 - las vegas to phoenixsept...
Posted by Hype-R on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 10:25:00 PST

playing darts at KSC

last night we went to king st cafe (as usual) and we played darts...i decided to have some fun with the camera: ...
Posted by Hype-R on Tue, 26 Dec 2006 07:17:00 PST

i'm comin home!!!

yup yup...i'll be back in the states starting friday...i think i'll be back a whole month too!!!  impossible you say???  yes...i think so too...but let's see shall we???  ...
Posted by Hype-R on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 03:49:00 PST

lost my phone...

i've been so overworked these days...this evening i got to our office and i realized i left my phone in a taxi... i tried calling the taxi company but these companies here in china really aren't any h...
Posted by Hype-R on Sat, 23 Sep 2006 07:02:00 PST

going home again...

so i'm going home again after like 3 months in korea/china...the only reason i'm going back is cuz i need a new passport and a new china visa.  if work had their choice, i'd be stuck in china til...
Posted by Hype-R on Fri, 01 Sep 2006 01:02:00 PST

going home...

so...it's time i get to go home.  this time it seems i'll be there for a while...or so my manager says.  i have a feeling i'll be back here (korea) sooner than he thinks... anyway...so yeah...
Posted by Hype-R on Fri, 26 May 2006 04:56:00 PST

guess what this is...

it actually wasn't too bad...i'll give you a hint, it's on this menu: ...
Posted by Hype-R on Sat, 06 May 2006 07:09:00 PST

guess i'm stuck in korea for a while...

so i just found out the other guy who was working here in korea (on the same product as me) quit.  he and i never got along anyway but the thing is that i'm the only one to cover this region.&nbs...
Posted by Hype-R on Wed, 03 May 2006 06:17:00 PST

live sashimi...

check out the vid i posted...while in japan, i got to try live sashimi... basically, the chef takes a live flounder... skins it...then takes the meat off...all while leaving the essential organs intac...
Posted by Hype-R on Thu, 27 Apr 2006 09:02:00 PST